Chapter 11

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Daisy POV

Dan and Phil drop me off in front of Ariel's house. She and I have became close lately, I'm not really used to having bestfriends but she is really nice and supportive. She knows a lot about me and I know a lot about her.

Dan and Phil drive off leaving me to walk into my best friends house. So I walk up and knock on the door.

"Hey Daisy. Come in, hurry we have things to do!" Ariel tells me with the biggest smile and brings me up stairs to her room. Her room has band posters and poloroids covering the walls, a few flower crowns on her desk, and Black's and pinks everywhere.

"So, what are we doing." I look at her, I notice she has been staring at me.

"Well, we could watch a scary film or something."

I just nod in agreement. She walks out of the room, probably to get some popcorn.

We were half way through the film when I feel something touch my hand lightly, I look down and see her hand touch mine once again. I flip my hand over and she intertwines our fingers together. Why is she doing this? Why am I allowing it? I don't know what's happening. I quickly let go, we look at each other and I notice the hurt look in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Ariel, its just that.."

"Kayla. Right." She cut me off rudely. So I decide to fall asleep on the bed.

I fell asleep around 9, we had been watching movies all day. Her parents weren't home. Around 2 in the morning I feel something around my waist. It pulls me closer, I realize its Ariel. She pulls me closer and starts to run her hands up my stomache and before she can reach any farther, I scream.


"I'm sorry Daisy.."

"What ever." I say with all of my anger and confusion. I pick up my things and walk back to my flat.

I get to my flat, but I can't help but to wonder if Dan and Phil are doing something I don't want to see.

"Bloody hell Delilah, you scared me. Why aren't you at your friends house?" Dan stands in the doorway. But I don't say anything to him, I just collapse in his arms. I start to cry wetting his shirt with tears.

"She- she was being creepy d-dad and I didn't know what to d-do." I say in between sobs. Dan picks me up and carries me into the lounge.

We eventually fall asleep like that after Phil comes in and puts a blanket over us and we are all cuddled like one family. I'm glad for our comfort.

I wake up to the sound of a loud knock on the front door. I slowly get up trying not to wake up Dan and Phil. I eventually get to the door. What confused me is that there wasn't anyone there, "Hello?" I hear a small movement at my feet. It then became aware to me that someone just left a baby in a carseat outside of the door with a note attached and a file folder. I picked the note and read it,

I'm sorry this is happing now and I know what we did was a drunken mistake. You probably don't even know who I am but my name is Rosie. This is your child Phil, and I'm not a good mother and I am never there for this child before you. Her name is Katie. She is now 2 years old. She can walk, and barely talk. She has your hair and eyes. I saw in one of your videos about your new daughter, Delilah Howell-Lester. So I know that I can definetly say that Katie's care is in your hands. Just sign the papers in the folders and take them to the police station. They will know what to do from there. Katie doesn't have a last name so feel free to give her one. I don't want to be near her, or a part of her life. I hate children and babies, they are fat and annoying. Take her and don't try to contact me.


I gasp. Phil has a child?

Sorry this is short. Not having the best day with a killer migrane.

Daisy♡{ adopted by Phan}Where stories live. Discover now