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poe stared at the kid sitting next to him on the hard concrete. "really?" he asked.

finn concentrated on the ground in front of him. "yes." he stated, looking back at poe. "yea, i am. i've been homophobic all my life, but i realized it was all my mother's anger as soon as i moved." he furrowed his eyebrows. "my mother..." he trailed off.

he stood abruptly, poe looking up at him. "i'm sorry, i have to go." he said, running into the parking lot and getting into his small red car.

poe watched him pull out, anxious. "hmm."


you know, it wasn't often that poe found his mind occupied on someone, especially romantically.

and yet, here he is, sitting on his uncomfortable bed, watching his kitchen sink slowly drip, and he could not stop thinking about finn. his attractive, gay neighbor who poe was falling for hard.

it was all his fault; he should have never let himself fall for someone so out-of-his-league attractive, but he couldn't help himself. the boy was an activist, and he was strong; a homosexual black man living in nineteen sixty four, now that was something unheard of.

poe wanted to get closer to finn the moment he laid eyes on him. he had a thing for figuring people out early on, but this kid was a puzzle that poe just couldn't find the missing pieces for. he was a mystery, and a hot one at that.

poe had seduced people before, sure, any girl or boy he wanted to get closer to was an easy target due to his charismatic and intimidating figure and personality. but when it came to finn, his mouth was as dry as the desert they lived in, and nothing seemed to work.

granted, they've had a total of three conversations, if you count finn holding up a can of spray paint and shaking it, metal rattling inside. but poe couldn't think of a situation where anything worked out in his favor.

sure, he wanted to get in finn's pants, badly, but he also wanted to know what was going on in his beautiful head; like he said, he was a puzzle.

a puzzle that poe itched to figure out.

road trip- finnpoeWhere stories live. Discover now