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everything was going exactly to plan; finn and poe were driving in warm weather again as they got closer and closer to los angeles, and they were in love.

poe couldn't imagine being with anyone else other than finn, and he considered himself happy, finally, for the first time in years. sure, hiding his marriage and his sexuality would be hard, but he'd been doing it for twenty years. he knew that he and finn were going to be perfectly fine.

poe smiled as he fidgeted with the radio, finn tapping along to every beat that came on. poe had finally found a good station when finn yelled,

"poe, look out!"

the truck in front of them collided with the small red car.

they spun out of control, flipping upside down. the last thing poe could see before slipping into unconscious was finn's bloody, beaten face.

road trip- finnpoeWhere stories live. Discover now