01~From Nada To Running Away

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I ran as fast as I could. I wanted to get away from there. I didn't know where I was going but I didn't care. I just needed to get out of there I needed to get away from there. I ran past a few houses and buildings. When I thought that I was far enough I stopped to catch my breath.

"Hey! What are you doing out here?!" Someone yelled. I gasped and looked up seeing a guy walking towards me with an angry expression. I moved back only to trip and fall flat on my butt. I groaned in pain and looked up seeing the guy getting closer to me. "I said-hey wait!" The guy yelled as I turned around and started running again.

I ignored his calls as I kept running. I pushed people out my way and just kept running. Finally I stopped and fell because I couldn't take running anymore. My vision became blurry and I started seeing different color dots. My breathing became uneasy and I didn't know if I was breathing, still or not.

Then suddenly it got black. I felt myself being picked up and laid on something. My vision was still blurry and all I could see was brown hair and a face. I was too weak to move that I was afraid that I was being kidnapped. I even tried screaming.

"Shhh its going to be okay, you're going to be okay. Just stay clam." A woman says in a soothing voice. I slowly nodded.

The sound of beeping filled my ears, and the smell of something strong filled my nose. I felt this weird uneasy feeling though out my body. And I couldn't move. I tried to speak but nothing came out. I blinked my eyes a few times and saw a few paintings of these two girls in dresses.

One was of a little girl with pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes, and another was of a girl who seemed younger that had normal tan skin and brownish hair and green eyes. They were building a snowman, they looked like they were having fun together. I smiled seeing that and wishing I had that.

"You know those two?" A woman asks. I shook my head no and she nodded. "Will my daughter loves them. She watches them all the time." She says and I looked at the paintings.

"Who-who are they?" I asked with my throat all dried.

"Elsa and Anna. They-will Elsa is a Queen and Anna is a princess." She explains. I nodded and looked away.  "Will I see that you have no records, no name nothing. Why is that?" She asks.

"M-my-may I have some water?" I asked finding it hard to talk.

"Sure." She says and gets some water for me. I dranked some and she smiled waiting for me to answer her question.

"My.....my parents died when I was three and I was put in a group home since. And whenever I'd get sick or hurt they would take care of us themselves." I explained.

"Okay and what were you doing out there all alone?" She asks and I felt scared to even tell her.

"I-I um I was out walking and I got lost." I lied.

"And they let you go out by yourself?" She asks.

"No." I said looking down. "Please don't let me go back please. I cant go back." I tell her almost crying.

"Why what's so bad about being there?" She asks.

"I cant, I cant do this!" I yelled getting up pulling that thing in my nose out and the Ivy's they had in me even though it hurt so bad I sucked it up and ran off. 

I ignored the calls from that lady. I kept running until I found my way outside of the hospital. I stopped and looked back at the building catching my breath. I turned around looking around trying to find a way to run to escape. I heard someone yelling after me making me sprint as fast as I could. I soon found myself at this place it had a lot of stuff all around.

From Nada To Prada {Under Going Editing Soon}Where stories live. Discover now