03~From Nada To The Attack and The Saver

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I slowly turned around and met eyes with Davon as he starred back with a sly smile my heart was beating faster and faster the closer he gotten. My cheeks felt hot and I felt scared of what he was going to do next. He let out a little chuckle and moved back looking down. He bit his bottom lip and I felt this weird feeling seeing that because that was the first time I ever saw something like that happen in front of me.

And I honestly didn't know what to do. He then ran his fingers through his hair and just walked off, just like that he just walked off. I was confused as to why he did that. I began to wonder what that was all about. I turned back around looking at my picture. I hated seeing myself so I took it down.  

"Why'd you do that for?" I was asked. My eyes widened as I gasped I turned around and saw Flora standing behind me. 

"Flora.....oh um I-I....I just didn't like the way I look." I tell her she nodded as if she didn't believe me.

"Okay. Will you and Davon?" She questioned trailing off and I felt my cheeks burning.

"Um what about him?" I asked trying to play it cool.

"Did he apologize for picking on you?" She asks and I know where this was going, but I couldn't lie to her.

"No not really." I said and started walking.

"What do you mean not really?" She asked walking with me.

"Look." I said handing her the picture.   
She grabbed it and looked at it. She picked at the word love and saw that it was covering the word third. "He did this?" She asks surprised handing me the picture back.

"Yeah. He did right in front of me." I said putting it in my bag.

"Yeah really what all happened?" She asks.

"Nothing much. He just did that starred at me and then walked off." I told her.

"Oh." She say a bit disappointed.

"Yeah." I shrugged. And then the bell rang.

"Okay will I'll see you at lunch?" She asks.

"Yeah." I said and she smiled and then ran off. I let out a sigh and walked to my first class.


It's time for lunch now and I was on my way to find Flora. I was walking in the hall to go to the stairs until someone tripped me. I fell on my knees and then I turned around and looked up. It was some guy that I've never seen before. I looked at him with pain in my eyes because I fell and hit my knee, hard.

I was rubbing it when I saw that he bent down and was close to my face. His breath smelled kind of like strawberries. He looked at me amused and looking at every inch of my face making me feel uncomfortable.

"What are you do-" I tried to ask but I was cut off.

"Shh. Its okay. You know I saw you at Floras party and thought that you looked hot. I've never seen you like that before. But then why did you let go?" He asks.


"You know of that guys hand, why did you let go?" He asked again.

"B-because I couldn't hold on any longer." I lied.

"You sure about that?" He asks.

"Y-yes." I said moving my head away to move his hand away from my face.

"You don't have to be scared. I'm not gonna hurt you." He says grabbing my face to face him and then squeezing my cheeks.

"You're hurting me right now." I said with him squeezing my cheeks still.

From Nada To Prada {Under Going Editing Soon}Where stories live. Discover now