02~From Nada To The Party

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"John? John? Where are you?" I called out. I looked around and saw him nowhere. I began to panic. I was alone in the house for the first time and he usually don't leave me alone but when he does he'll tell me that he's leaving and how long he'll be.

I walked to his room and he wasn't in there. Somehow I ended up in a store. I looked around and saw people laying on the floor. I was holding a gun and I saw John behind the cash register. He was putting money in a bag and he had a gun with him also. I was about to call his name but then someone grabbed me.

"Drop the gun now!" A guy yells.

John looks up and sees the guy holding me and his eyes widened.

"Whoa, whoa take it easy. Look I'm putting the gun down okay, just don't hurt her." He says putting the gun down. Once John did the guy pushed me down harshly making me hit the ground hard. "I said not to hurt her!" John yells.

I saw the angry expression on his face as he attacked the guy. The woman that was on the floor started screaming from the gun shots that was being fired from the struggle. I looked around and saw the gun I was holding not far from me.

"Run get out of here!" I yelled at the woman.

She got up and ran outside. I crawled to the gun and got up pointing it to the guy who was holding John. I glared at him as he smirked. It was between me and the gun. Even though I don't know how to shoot a gun nor use one I was afraid for not only my life but Johns. I was afraid of shooting him and killing him. And so then it happened.

I woke up gasping. I heard running and saw John running to me. He embraced me in a hug because he knew what was going on its been happening since I was eleven. I'm sixteen now. John had gotten into a little trouble with the police a few years ago and now were suspects on the run. We're living in a different home further away from the city.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Okay good now go back to bed you have school tomorrow." He says.

I nodded and laid back down. I let out a long sigh and looked at the wall. It was dark so I couldn't really see anything. John thought it'd be best if I go to school so that way we'll live a normal life. It's been two weeks and I haven't made any friends.

The girls there would pick on me and make fun of me. I told John about it and he told me that to just ignore it because 'you don't know what they're going through back at home and so they're taking it out on you.' So that's what I'll do and I hate it because everyone's doing it now because I don't fight back.


I walked into school and went to the courtyard. I had enough time to do whatever I wanted to so I went there. I was then stopped when I was halfway to where I was going. I looked up and saw three guys standing right in front of me. I tried to push my way through them but they pushed me back. Then I tried to go around them but one boy pushed me back making me almost fall.

They just laughed as I looked at them. One other boy grabbed my bag that Flora gave me and took out my notebook. I tried to get it back but this other boy stopped me as the other boy threw my notebook up making all my papers scatter. Then he threw my bag to this other boy and I tried to get it back but he only held it up high that I wont be able to grab it.

From Nada To Prada {Under Going Editing Soon}Where stories live. Discover now