15~From Nada to Prada Pt2

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I woke up in Davons arms. It was quite nice waking up on his arms. I smiled and turned around looking at his sleeping face. I smiled admiring his face and pecked him on the lips. He groaned and moved his head. I giggled and did it again making him groan and moving his head again. I couldn't help it that I was going to do it again until Davon woke up and pinned me on the bed. I closed my eyes while I let out a scream.

I opened my eyes and saw Davon looking at me with a smirk. I gasped with wide eyes. He chuckled and pressed his lips on mine. I gasped in our kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer and making the kiss deeper and longer.

"I'm gonna take a shower." He says after parting from our kiss.

"Okay." I said.

He got up and went into his bathroom. Afterwards I got up and went to my old room. I walked in and everything still looked the same. I looked through my closet and found a pair of clothes. I then went into my bathroom and took a shower in there. It was strange taking a shower in here again. I felt like if I was in high school again. I smiled to myself thinking about high school. I was about to wash my hair until I felt something on my hips. I screamed turning around hitting the person behind me.

"Ava, Ava its just me." I heard Davon say.

"What? Davon you scared me." I said letting out a harsh sigh.

"Sorry. I just felt lonely in the shower." He says stepping closer to me.

"Oh yeah?" I questioned smiling at him.

"Yeah." He smiled grabbing me pulling me closer to him and pressing his lips on mine.

"Good thing you came in here." I tell him.

He chuckled and kissed me again. And lets just say that it was a nice shower.

Time past and we were all eating breakfast. No on had said a word since we all sat down. They were awkwardly looking at me except for Davon and Josh.

"So um I just wanted to clear the air." I said getting their attention. "I'm not mad at you all about last night I understand why you did the things you did. I get it. But as I was thinking about it. If none of that didn't happened then I wouldn't of have met you all." I said.

"So you're really not mad at us?" Flora asks.

"No not at all. You're like my family." I said. Flora got up and hugged me. I hugged her back and smiled at her when we parted.

"Okay will lets eat." She says sitting down. We all began to eat until I remembered something.

"Oh Flora so have you tell your parents yet?" I asked.

"About what?" She asks.

"You know about last night. When you weren't drinking because of something?" I questioned. She looked at me confused until she got what I was saying.

"Oh! Yeah, yeah we told them last night." She says.

"Wait you're really pregnant?" I asked.

"Yeah." She nods.

"Wow. Will congratulations." I said.

"Thanks." She smiled.

"So when are you and Davon going to have one?" David asks.

"Dad." Davon says.

"What? I'm kidding." He laughs.

"Someday soon." I said making them all look at us. "What? I mean I would like to have my own one day." I tell them.

From Nada To Prada {Under Going Editing Soon}Where stories live. Discover now