Unexpected Entry

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"The condition is..."


Syo P.O.V

We stood, waiting. The intensity of this silence neglected to resolve around us. With the dense atmosphere it was hard to tell whether time was still moving. I just can't wait to here the condition.. but also fearing what tricks may have up his sleeves.

Our hearts pounding in almost a rhythmic tune. As the headmaster came to speak. A smile paused him for a second,

"The condition I shall be giving for the all of you..." the door burst open.

Ringo, Hyyuga walked in.

"Headmaster. Are you really considering punishing them?" Ringo questioned. They both walked up to him. We all gave looks of confusion. "What's going on..?" Reiji whispered. We all shook out heads, trying to get something off of the whispering figures that stood in front of us.

"Headmaster, what your doing does not apply to them" Hyyuga said gesturing to us. The headmaster shook his head,

"And why is that?"

"Because the rule only says love is forbidden with a man and a woman." Hyyuga looked to us, " in this case these young men are in love with other young men. Their love doesn't apply to that rule now Headmaster."

The headmaster merely sneered at Hyyuga and Ringo.

"To think the two of you would come out against me.." Headmaster shook his head, a frown on his face, "what do you suppose I do then? Since you decided to plot yourselves in this situation. Go on and make your word." The headmaster gestured to the two who stared puzzled at us. Unsure of what decision to make. Then... they smiled. And turned to use.

"The conclusion we have come to for the all of you. Is not to punish you.. but to congratulate you instead" Ringo announced,

Our jaws dropped, 'congratulate no way..'

"Congratulate us? In what way?" Tokyia wondered, chatter was brought amongst us all. Having to be hushed by our teachers.

"We will congratulate you by sending you off on a vacation, to a nice island paradise. To spend time with your companions and be accompanied by your lovers." Ringo explained happily, as he clung to Hyyuga's arm. A smug smile on both of their faces.

"Yeah!!!!" We all exclaimed, as we embraced on another. Grinning, at the thoughts of a vacation. i glance at the HeadmAster who was open jawed at what had just happened. he began to sulk out out of the room. 'serves him right ..' I smiled And joined the others endless joy.

"When do we go on this vacation? i really need one." Ren asked with  smirk.

"First thing tomorrow." Hyyuga replied.

"Now go get ready!" Ringo exclaimed cheerily.

None of us haulted, we all ran to our rooms to prepare for tomorrow. How great this vacation is going to be. I smiled, imagining all the time I'd be able to spend with Ai... 'now I definitely can't wait!!'


Hello! Hopefully you liked my turn of the story. Heh, thanks to a friend of mine I was able to get thischapter written. :3 thanks friend. I also have a feeling this story will be coming to an end in the chapters to come. So, be expecting an end soon :c. I don't want it to end xc

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