Chapter 4 - Everything was about to change

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I woke up the next morning to the most beautiful sunrise I had ever seen. Bright orange, pink and red colours filled the sky. It was so beautiful I decided that I wanted to paint it. I went downstairs and Klaus was already painting. I grabbed  paintbrush and started to paint. Over the next hour I felt like dad and I actually started to bond. He was alot easier to talk to when he was painting. Our paintings were almost identical.

"True talent"  He said. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Kiera!" Rebekah shrieked  "We're going to be late for school!"

I rolled my eyes and went up stairs. I put on my white Bullet for my Valentines t-shirt on, my black high wasted skater skirt and my blue denim jacket. I slipped on a pair of blue lo-cut converse on and put my hair up in a messy bun leaving some curly strands out.


"I'm coming Bekah!"  I shouted back at her whilst vamp running down the stairs.

I looked at my dad and smiled

"Bye dad" I said quietly

"Bye sweetheart" He said back with a big grin on his face.

I got out Rebekahs car at the High school car park. I was immediately addressed by Caroline. She handed me a bag with clothes in it.

"I expect you will be in your full cheerleading uniform tomorrow."

I walked into the school and put the bag in my locker. Ali came running up to me

"I'm so excited to start cheerleading tomorrow! oh and what are you going to wear to the dance tomorrow night?" She asked me so quick it took me a minute to understand what she was saying.

"I'm not even sure if im goi..."

"You have to come!" She cut in before I could finish my sentence.

"I have a dress you can wear I will bring it round to yours after school tomorrow and we can get ready together." Ali had so much excitement in her face I couldn't say no.

The next day I got up and put my cheerleading outfit on. It fitted me perfectly. I walked downstairs

"Wow look at you" Said Rebekah

" A painter and a cheerleader" . My dad said sounding surprised.

When I got to school I walked up to Ali and the other cheerleaders. We were officially one of them. It felt good to be apart of a group. I finally felt like I fitted in. At the end of school we practised for hours until Caroline was satisfied that the routine was perfect. At the end of cheerleading practise I couldn't wait to go home and sleep. I started to walk home when I heard Ali run up behind me.

" You haven't forgotten about her plans have you?" She questioned

"No of course not!" I lied.

Ali and I talked the whole way home she told me some of her secrets that shes never told anyone else before. I wanted to tell her that I'm half vampire and half werewolf but I didn't want to freak her out. We walked through the front gates to my house.

"Wow..." was all that Ali could say.

We walked in the house and my uncle Elijah came running down the stairs. I introduced Ali to everyone.

"Your dad looks really young" she whispered as we walked up the stairs to start getting ready.

"He's like a thousand years old." Ali laughed at this thinking that I was joking.

After hours of preparation we were ready. I had a strapless short red res on and red high heels. I left my natural curly hair down. Ali thought my hair looked better natural. She had a similar dress on but hers was royal blue. She had her hair down straight with a royal blue flower in it to match her dress. We walked down the stairs and heard a car beeping out side.

"That's our ride" I said whilst waving good bye to my dad and uncle Elijah.

 Rebekah had already left to help set up. Out side were two boys in a blue convertible. I looked over and saw that the boy in the drivers seat was Jeremy. Neither my dad or uncle looked impressed. We jamp in the back of the car and went before any of them could say something.

The dance was amazing, the hall had loads of cool decorations. I danced all night with Ali and I even got to slow dance with Jeremy. It was the perfect night. Everyone was having an amazing time. I didn't want the night to end. It was the last chance to dance and Jeremy asked me if I wanted to go somewhere private with him. I nodded him and followed him into the janitors cupboard he started to unbutton his shirt whilst kissing me passionately on the lips. Before I could slide my dress of I was whisked away by Rebekah leaving Jeremy confused, topless and alone in the cupboard.

"What in the bloody hell are you doing!" She yelled at me in a motherly tone. I looked at her confused.

"Klaus and Elijah are not going to be happy about this!"

"I don't care what they think, we were just kissing!

I walked away from Rebekah wanting to continue what me and Jeremy had started. She grabbed my arm. I tried to get out of her grip but before I knew it she was dragging me home vamp speed. She slammed the door open and finally let go of my arm.

"What are you doing" I screamed at her

"Trying to stop you making yourself look like a tramp!"

Klaus and Elijah came running through to see what was going on.

"I can do what I want!"

"Not when i'm around!

"Oh and your such a hypocrite you're the one that's a tramp! 

Rebekah slapped me right in the face and I didn't hesitate to slap her back. She was shocked and had a big red mark on her cheek. Elijah stepped in between us before he started to have a proper fight.

"Ladies, ladies calm down!" He said in a calm voice

" Well you tell that little brat!"

"Little brat!" I cut in before she could finish.

Before I could say another word Klaus ut his hand over my mouth and took me upstairs to my room. He sat on my bed and watched me pace up and down. Anger running though my body uncontrollably. I felt like I was going to explode. I knocked over everything in my way letting it all smash off the ground.

" You defiantly are my daughter I was beginning to wonder." He said whilst letting out a laugh.

I couldn't help but laugh along with him.

"Rebekah she just got under my skin" I told him.

" Yea she tends to do that." He said whilst laughing even more.

There was aloud knock at the door and dad went down to answer it. I followed down behind him. He opened the door and there was a letter addressed to him. He read the letter and his face dropped, it went red with anger. He looked at me and said

"We're leaving here NOW!"

"Leave?! no way! I've just got settled here I'm NOT leaving!"

You're coming with me wither you like it or not!"

"I can stay with uncle Elijah!" Dad looked at me and frowned.

"I will give you ten seconds to get in that car! Ten..Nine..Eight..."

I folded my arms across my chest and refused to move. He came up to me, grabbed my arm and started dragging me to the car. Still counting down from ten. I tried to get loose but it was no good he was too strong.

"Six..five..four...three..." He said whilst placing me in the passenger seat of his black Range Rover.

"See that wasn't so hard was it" He said whilst locking the door and walking back up into the house.

A while later he came out with two small suitcases and placed them in the boot. He jamp in the drivers seat and looked at me.

"Ready to go then." He said whilst starting up the car. I completely ignored him and put my headphones on.

Kiera MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now