Chapter 21 - The baby

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I could hear the sound of high heels enter the compound. Finally Rebekah was home. I ran out of the room "Rebekah, finally did you not get any of my phone calls?"

Rebekah "Sorry i've been busy, whats happened?"

"Come up here and see for yourself" I said whilst walking back into Hayleys room. Hayley was cradling the baby and Davina was sitting on the bed beside them watching.

Rebekah "Oh my god, you had the baby and I missed it"

"Well if you answered your bloody phone you wouldn't have missed it and me and Davina wouldn't of had to deliver a baby by ourselves" I said in an annoyed tone. The truth is I was beyond annoyed. I'm majorly pissed off and trying my best to hide my anger.

Rebekah "Where the hell is Klaus and Elijah?"

"How would we know?"

Hayley "Where ever they are it doesn't matter, all that matters right now is my baby and that shes okay"

Rebekah "You're right, we should leave you to get some rest"

"We can watch the baby while you rest and you really need to name her we cant keep calling her the baby for the rest of her life now can we?"

Hayley " I have a name in mind but I should wait for Klaus"

I walked over and gently picked up my baby sister from Hayleys arms. She was so small and precious. I looked at her taking in her tiny features. Her eyes were already open, they were grey just like most normal babies but had a bright blue rim around them. She had little tufts of strawberry blonde hair that were already forming little curls. She was absolutely gorgeous.

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It was later that night and there was still no sign of Klaus and Elijah. No doubt Klaus will come storming in to drunk to even notice that Hayley had given birth to his child. I sat on one of the arm chairs in Klaus's room admiring his paintings waiting for him to return. There was a loud bang as the door opened and a tipsy Klaus walked in followed by Elijah. Finally I thought to myself whilst I stood up so I was in there view "You know those things called phones that you carry with you everywhere you go, I know yous are old but i'm pretty sure you know how to bloody answer it"

Klaus "What are you doing in here"

"Waiting for you"

Elijah "Why Kiera, whats wrong?"

"Well Hayley went into labour and only me and Davina was here to help her"

Elijah "Is Hayley and the baby okay?"

"Yea they're fine no thanks to you two!" I said whilst pushing past them to walk out the door "Oh and don't disturb Hayley or the baby they need their rest, its late and you missed your chance" I was so annoyed at them, I had to go and sleep it off before I broke something, again.

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I woke up early hours the next morning to the baby screaming. I walked into Hayleys room to see her pacing back and forth with the youngest member of he family in her arms panicking a little. Since I had last seen my baby sister she had been bathed and now had clothes on.

Hayley " Oh Kiera thank god, I have no idea what to do"

"Relax Hayley shes probably just hungry"

Hayley "But what do you even feed a hybrid baby?"

"I'd start with baby milk, there's some downstairs and just think of her as a normal baby not a hybrid" I turned on my heels to go and get some milk when Klaus appeared at the door holding a baby bottle. His eyes locked on his new born child.

Klaus "Perhaps I can help" He said whilst handing Hayley the baby bottle.

"Now that you're both here whats my baby sisters name?" Klaus looked at Hayley with raised eyebrows

Hayley "Well there is one name I like"

Klaus "Go on little wolf"

Hayley " I was wanting to name her Sophia, after an old friend that helped me get through a lot"

"Sophia, I like it "

Klaus "Sophia Mikaelson it is"

I would just like to thank everyone who commented which baby name they liked best. I honestly couldnt  pick one. It was so close between Sophia and Faith but Sophia won by one vote so I hope you liked this chapter please tell me what you thought as your input is important :)



Thanks for reading! :]] 10.7k reads! thats mental! thank you all :D

Kiera MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now