Chapter 19 - Nothing but regret

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I sat on the compound roof just staring into the dark misty sky. I had been crying for hours. I was getting drenched by the rain, blocking out the world. The more I cried the harder it rained. I couldn't bare to face everyone today. All the horrible things I done when my emotions were off was playing on a constant loop inside my head. I felt nothing but regret. I killed loads of innocent people. I killed Tony, even though he deserved it I could stop feeling bad about it. I killed Tim, Davina was never going to forgive me. I hate myself for what I did. I screamed out in frustration as the memories replayed and replayed. I couldn't stop them

Jay " I thought I heard you up here"

Great. How the hell did he find me. I just wanted to be on my own. I completely ignored him and continued to gaze into the night sky.

Jay " I know you're not feeling so great but please talk to me. You haven't spoken to anyone in days"

I couldn't bring myself to look at him. He came over and sat beside me putting one of his arms around my shoulder, stroking up and down my arm with his fingers. It felt good when he touched me. Slowly the horrible feelings started to disappear. The constant loop playing in my head slowly started to fade to the back of my mind. All I could focus on was Jay. I looked up at him and was instantly met by his icy blue eyes. I leaned in and crashed my lips against his. Everything in my mind went blank, all I could think about was what we were doing now and how good it felt. He brought one of his hands to my face and tucked a wet strand of hair behind my ear. He crashed his lips into mine and I didn't hold back. His hands started roaming my body and I didn't stop him. He made every bad thing I had done seem like a dream, that was what I needed. His hands quickly found their way to the hem of my t-shirt which he gently lifted over my head. I slid off my jeans and threw them away. He carefully pushed me back and propped himself on top of me. I ripped his top off as he pulled his trousers down. I ran my fingers down his hard abs as the rain pounded us both. He kissed me up and down my body, nibbling here and there. He continued leaving his marks on me, across my neck and chest. He kissed along my pantie line and ripped them off, me doing the same with his boxers. I wrapped my legs around him as we kissed more. It was absolutely amazing. It was perfect.

We lay on the roof fully satisfied until it was only a few minutes till sun rise. We had totally forgot that Jay couldnt walk in the sun. He got up and started looking for his clothes.

Jay "Oh shit"

He said whilst looking all over the roof. All he could find was his boxers and a gray hoodie. His boxers were soken wet but he reluctantly put them on. I couldn't help but laugh at him.

Jay " Hey, this is all your fault"

"You started it" I said whilst still laughing. He picked up his hoodie and places it over my bare body whilst leaning in to give me another kiss before he disappeared just as the sun begun to rise. The warm heat felt good on my skin and the sun looked beautiful. I sat there for a while before I realised that I better get inside before everyone wakes up. I VS inside the compound and went straight in the shower. I got out and looked at my self in the mirror. My hair was already forming its natural ringlets and I had hickeys all over my body, they were taking for ever to go away. I couldn't stop thinking about Jay and I. It was the best night of my life so far. It made me laugh just thinking about it. I put on a pair of blue skinnys and a long sleeved top to try and hide most of the hickeys. I left my hair down to hide the big on my neck but It didn't do a very good job. I applied some make-up in attempt to hide it some more. Hopefully they would all heal before anyone noticed them. I walked through to the living room and seen Davina standing

in Klaus's little art room painting. She had tear streaks down her face. I couldn't even begin to imagine how she feels.


Davina " I don't want to talk about it, just leave me alone"

" You need to know that i'm sorry, I feel terrible for what I did"

Davina "So terrible that you spent the night with Jay"

"How do you know about that?"

Davina "It's obvious... you're lucky at least you can spend time with your boyfriend." She was starting to cry again.

I felt tears fall down my face but I quickly wiped them away. I didn't want to cry anymore. Marcel walked into the room with a confused look on his face. I turned around and left. I should probably give Davina some time. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a blood bag from the fridge. Klaus was sitting with a glass of blood in his hand reading a book. He looked up and watched me, eyeing me up and down. "What?" I asked him before taking a sip of blood.

Klaus "Whats that on your neck?"

Well I done a crap job of hiding that. I placed my hand over the mark trying to hide it. "I don't know" I lied. I couldn't exactly tell him that I had just had sex with one of the night walkers now could I?

Klaus "You're lying to me, who was it?" He said sounding annoyed.

"What? no-one"

Klaus "Stop lying! it was that night walker from the party wasn't it?"

Oh crap how the hell did he find out? "No" I lied again.

Klaus "Stop lying to me Kiera!"

"Fine! So what if it was! whats done is done" He started storming towards the door. "where are you going? What are you going to do?" I asked but he completely ignored me whilst walking out the front door slamming it behind him.

So what do you guys think Klaus is going to do? let me know in the comments, till next time



Thanks for reading :]]

Kiera MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now