Chapter 17 - Blood crazy

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This chapter is dedicated to my friend ScotsJanoskianator, you should check out her fanfic Strong Love especially if you like the Janoskians :D

I was lying on a small bed in a little wooden cabin with just a thin sheet covering my bare body. Last night was a complete blur. I didn't feel like myself, I felt good and powerful. At the end of the bed there was a small bag with clothes in it, I put on the pair of black skinnys and grey hoodie. I walked outside the cabin and saw Klaus and Hayley sitting down on the wooden steps. I looked around the campsite and suddenly all the memories from last night came flooding back in. I turned into a wolf, at first it was painful, very painful but then it was amazing, the best think I had ever experienced before in my life. I remembered killing Tony and how I didn't feel any remorse about killing him.

Klaus " Oh good you're awake"

All I could think about was Agnes and how much I wanted to kill her. I couldn't stop picturing draining her of all her blood. I could feel my fangs appear at just the thought of killer her. I felt hand on my shoulders and I was shaken back into reality.

Klaus "Snap out of it Kiera"

"Dont tell me what to do!" I yelled

Klaus "Come on, we need to get you home"

"I'm not going anywhere until that bitch is dead!

Klaus " Fine I will drag you there myself."

Klaus took a large step towards me but before he could come any closer I made him fall to his knees in pain. " I said i'm not coming home!" Before Klaus could get up I ran away from them both. I searched for Agnes, that bitch witch tortured me and she is not getting away with it. I searched the streets finally ending up at the church. I pushed through the doors to see Agnes lighting some candles. I VS to her so I was standing just a few feet behind her "hello Agnes" I smiled sweetly "last time I seen you, you threatened to kill me and my baby sister, I cant let you do that now can I?" I could hear Agnes' heart rate increase as I walked closer to her. "Get out of here" she hissed and I laughed "I Don't think so" I whisked forward and pushed my hand through her chest and grabbed her heart. I could see the fear in her eyes. I had never felt satisfaction like this as I felt her heart beats slow down in my own hand "goodbye Agnes" I whispered and ripped her heart from her chest and watched her fall to the ground, I dropped her bloodied heart beside her body and left her to be found by someone else. I wanted to do it again, I wanted to feel that amazing satisfaction again so I set out to find my next victims. I walked into a small bar full of about twelve people. I went up to a random girl and went to bite her neck before I was flung back landing in a crouching position. I flung myself at her landing on her back. She let out a scream but quickly stopped as I sunk my fangs into her neck ending her life. Now for the rest of them. By the time I was finished I was covered in blood and all my victims were lying on the ground dead. That wasn't good enough, I still wanted more. I was blood crazy. I went to walk out of the door when I was stopped my a hard chest. I looked up and saw Elijah with a disappointed look on his face.

Elijah " I am very disappointed in you Kiera, this isn't you"

"How would you know? You dont even know me"

Elijah " Perhaps it is time for us to go home"

"No. i'm not finished yet." I turned on my heels and Klaus stood a few feet behind me.

Klaus " Oh you're far from finished sweetheart"

"So what are you going to do? drag me kicking and screaming?"

Elijah " I would prefer not too but if that's what it takes then yes"

"Good luck" I said whilst my eyes changed from their normal colour to a golden colour. Elijah came running over to be but before he could reach me I threw him into the wall, he groaned a little and Klaus' eyes flashed orange, his werewolf side coming through. "So this is how you want to play it?" he said and ran towards me, he tried to grab me but I pushed him off with all my strength "Don't touch me!" I growled as he stood with Elijah. "Just come back Kiera" Elijah tried to reason with me. "You think I'll just come back with you like a good little girl? no. I'm not coming home." I shouted and Klaus smiled " You're coming back the easy way or my way" I just shrugged and Elijah ran towards me again, he kicked his legs out behind mine to knock me to the ground, I jumped over them and grabbed his leg flipping him back but he was quick and landed right back on his feet. Klaus struck from behind and grabbed my arm to flip me over but I jumped and kicked him, sending him flying into the wall. "You're definitely my daughter" Klaus mumbled. Him and Elijah back on their feet in no time and they began to back me into a corner. I seen Sophie appear from the corner of my eye and she started speaking that witchy talk. I crumpled to the ground with a piercing headache, I pulled at my hair and screamed for her to stop but she didn't. The last think I remember is Klaus lifting me from the dirty concrete and carrying me into his car. I opened my eyes and realized I was back in my bedroom in my warm sheet and even though I was comfy as hell I didn't want to be here. I clambered from my bed and went to leave but something was stopping me, I pushed against where the door would be if it was closed "What the..." I whispered to myself as I stormed across the room to the window where the same thing happened. "We got Sophie to put up an invisible wall to keep you in" Klaus said as he came round the corner. I ran up to him only to be stopped by this invisible force field or whatever the hell it was called " you cant keep me in here like some sort of animal" I sneered at him as the anger boiled inside me.

So what do you guys think? Please let me know and suggestions to improve are always welcome till next time



Thanks so much for reading! :]]

Kiera MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now