Chapter 10 - Father daughter bonding

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Marcel " Davina what are you doing out here you know its not safe for you."

Davina " I have a lot of power Marcel, it grows everyday, I can feel it and besides I have a hybrid by my side. Nothing can beat us to together. I don't want to hide anymore I'm sick of hiding. I don't want to be afraid of them. I'm not afraid of them anymore." 

Klaus " Well in that case we should join them for a drink." He said whilst sitting down on the bar-stool next to me, Marcel doing the same sitting beside Davina.

"We dont need babysitters." I said giving Klaus an annoyed look.

Klaus "Were not babysitting you, just think of it as having a nice drink with your old man."

We were both shocked at Klaus and Marcels reaction. I expected them to drag us home and lock all the doors. I would never have thought that they would actually join us. Klaus must of been in a very good mood. It was only 3pm and the dance floor was full of drunk people dancing. This was one of my favourite things about NOLA it was never to early to party. We had been sitting at the bad almost all day and I was starting to get hungry. I walked to the middle of the dance-floor and started dancing in-front of a random boy to get his attention. Davina, Marcel and Klaus stared at me with confusion all over their faces. I turned around and started talking to the boy. He was actually quite cute, he had dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. He fitted the bad boy image perfectly, he only looked about 17 maybe 18. "Dont make a sound" I compelled him. Klaus got up from his seat and then sat back down when he realised that I wasn't flirting with him I was drinking from his neck. I gave him some of my blood to heal him then compelled him to forget what has just happened. I walked back over to the bar feeling satisfied.

Klaus "Nicely done" He said whilst patting me on the back.

It was not midnight, me and Davina were out of it. Her a little more than me. She couldn't even walk.

Marcel "I think its time we get you young ladies home, hm?" He said whilst picking Davina up bridal style.

I tried to stand up but ended up falling back on my seat. I laughed whilst Klaus helped me stand up straight. He had his arm wrapped around my shoulder helping me walk.

"You guys have drunk loads too, how come yous are perfectly fine?"

Klaus " You get used to it." He said whilst chuckling. 

We walked outside the bar and the fresh hair hit me like a tone of bricks. It made me feel a whole lot drunker. Poor Davina was completely crashed out, she was going to feel rough in the morning. We walked along the colourful busy streets of New Orleans. Klaus was still holding onto me helping me walk.

"You know you surprised me today." I said completely sluring my worlds, I was surprised he managed to understand me.

Klaus "Oh really how?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I thought you would like totally freak out but you didn't. I had fun today. So did Davina although she is going to regret it in the morning. Your not so bad when your not being Nick the Dick."

This made them both burst out laughing. When we arrived back at the compound an annoyed Rebekah and a worried Elijah stood there glaring at us.

Rebekah " Where the bloody hell have yous been?"

Elijah "We have been worried sick."

Klaus " Relax brother and sister we have been father and daughter bonding." He said sounding amused.

We went to walk up the stairs. He couldn't possibly expect me to manage to get up those stairs in my state could he? Before I knew it he picked me up bridal style and started carrying me up the stairs behind Marcel and Davina. He carried me into my room and placed me on my bed helping me take off my shoes and jacket before climbing under my covers.

Klaus " Goodnight sweetheart."

"Wait" I said whilst grabbing his hand before he could get up and leave.

"When my mum was drunk I used to ask her questions about you, she used to tell me stories about you and all the horrible things that you have done. What drove you to doing them?"

Klaus " You're to young to understand."

"I'm old enough to understand that bad decisions like that are caused by something."

Klaus " So that was your plan all along, to get me drunk so that I share my life story with you."

"Well you are my dad, I just want to feel like I know you, so it's not like I'm living with complete strangers."

Klaus " My father.... he hunted me down like some kind of animal."

"Why would your own dad do that to you?"

He ignored my question and looked away from me.

"Please tell me.. I .." Before I could finish my sentence I felt his hands on my head. Suddenly the past thousand years of his life flashed before my eyes. I could see all the abuse he went through as a child. I could see everything. How he became a vampire, how his mother put a curse on him and how everywhere he went, every time he found happiness his father would come and destroy everything. The flashback ended with him killing his father. No wonder he done evil things. Every time he let his guard down it would all be ruined. 

"You killed him...? Good." I said whilst leaning into give him a big cuddle. 

"So there, now you know." He said whilst returning the hug. He had tears falling down his face. 

"No-one should have to go threw anything like that. Trust me I know how it feels." I could feel tears run down my face uncontrollably. Klaus held my shoulders and looked me in the eyes.

"How do you know what it feels like? I think its your turn to tell me about you."

3 chapters in the past 4 days im on a roll! So please tell me what you think, suggestions are always appreciated. In the next chapter we are going to learn about some of Kieras past :) so please



and thanks for reading :]]

Kiera MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now