Chapter 22 - wrapped around her finger

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It had been a few days since Sophia has surprised us all by entering our crazy world. Everyone fawned over her and she had them all wrapped around her little finger already. Everyone was dying to hold her and be with her all apart from Klaus. He hadn't even held her yet, it was like he was afraid too. When everyone resumes to their usual daily things Hayley asked me to watch Sophia whilst she went for a shower. I walked into Klaus' room with her in my arms. As usual he had a glass of scotch in one hand and a paintbrush in the other.

Klaus "What do you want, i'm busy"

"Well excuse us for wanting to see our dad, we'll just leave then" I said whilst slowly heading for the door, hoping he would change his mind.

Klaus "Wait"

A smile formed on my lips. I knew he couldn't resist. I walked over to him trying to hide my huge smile. "She's beautiful isn't she?"

Klaus "Yes she is, you both are"

"Shht Klaus, people will think you're going all soft we cant have that, you do have a reputation to protect" he let out a light chuckle as he watched Sophia wriggle around in my arms. "You can hold her you know"

Klaus "No. I cant"

"Why not, she is your baby too"

Klaus "She's so innocent and pure, I will only ruin her, like you"

"You didn't ruin me Klaus. I was ruined far before I met you. The person I am today is not down to you. Sophia is your chance to do something right. You may think you're doing the right thing by staying away from her but you're not. The longer you stay away the more your biggest fear will become a reality. You want to be a good dad, now's your chance to prove it to us both." He had a tear falling from his eye. I reached over and placed Sophia in his large arms. "See its not so bad". He was actually smiling looking down at the tiny baby in his arms. He cradled Sophia in one arm and pulled me in for a cuddle with his other arm.

Klaus "Thank you Kiera" He said whilst kissing my forehead

"Anytime" Rebekah came storming in with her phone in her hand.

Rebekah "I need to get a picture of this!" she said whilst taking a picture before I could object. "Perfect, now is it my turn with my niece yet?"

Klaus wiped the tear from his face and quickly handed Sophia over to Rebekah. Rebekah walked out the room leaving me and Klaus by ourselves.

Klaus "So are we going to talk about the other day?"

"Whats there to talk about?"

Klaus "Kiera... you need to tell me what has happened to you"

"I would of told you, but then you bit my boyfriend"

Klaus " I'm sorry for what happened to Jay but you should know by now I tend to get a little moody"

"Little is an understatement"

Klaus "Kiera..." He said, giving me his i'm deadly serious now face.

"Well you know how Tony forced my mum into prostitution, sometimes when the men didn't want her, they wanted someone a little younger, better. When they did, well I bet you could guess the next part. I grew up with this kind of stuff so I thought it was normal. I let men groom me and sleep with me because that's everything i've always known. I hate my past and I wish I could change it but I cant" I had streaming down my face.

Klaus " Kiera.. I had no idea. I'm so sorry. I'm glad you told me and i'm sorry for what I did to Jay can you forgive me?"

I just nodded in response

Klaus "Good because I need your help with something"

I wiped the tears off my face and looked at him confused. "Help with what?" he walked away and I followed him into a room to see a nursery. The walls were a light sugar pink, the floors were dark wood with a soft rug that matched the colour of the walls. At the end of a rug was a dark wooden crib and matching furniture. In the corner of the room was a rocking chair and bookshelf in front of a large window. It was the perfect room for Sophia. "This room looks great, what do you need my help with?"

Klaus "Well you are an artist and I need help painting something on this wall" he said whilst pointing to the wall behind the crib. "So will you help me?" He said with that puppy dog look on his face.

My smile grew larger and I nodded excitedly. We spent the rest of the day painting the wall. Both of us working on it made it a whole lot quicker and it was quite fun.I really liked working on this with Klaus. The whole time we didn't talk much, just expressed ourselves through our art. I stepped back to look at our work. I was very proud of it. It was a silhouette of a wolf howling in-front of the moon that looked exactly like Hayleys birthmark which Sophia also had. I loved it that much that I might start to paint my own room. "We did a great job"

Klaus "That we did, now the rooms ready"

I shouted on Hayley and a few minutes later she came wondering in with Sophia in her arms. Hey eyes widened as she looked around the room.

Hayley "Oh my god guys its amazing"

"It was all Klaus, I just helped a bit, can I?" I said whilst holding out my arms before Hayley gently places Sophia in them. "So what do you think of your new room?" I said in a baby voice whilst looking down at her and showing her around the bedroom as if she could see it and answer back.

Hayley "Klaus you didn't have to do all this"

Klaus "She is my daughter and she should have a decent place to sleep"

Hey guys I am so sorry its taken me ages to update. I have been so busy with school I have exams coming up very soon D: And when I do finally get some spare time i've been spending it out at the horses. I've just been super busy lately :( As soon as my exams are over I will be updating more regularly. I have also started reading a fanfic called Elyssa Mikaelson by undeadbeth, Its really good and you guys should go read it right now! Wait you should vote first then go read it :D If you read any good fanfics comment and let me know please :)



Thanks for reading! :]]

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