Chapter 6 - Boredom

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Hey guys sorry I have been away a while the weather has been really good lately and if any of you are from the UK you would know that it doesn't last long so I have been spending all of my time out with me horse whilst the weather lasts :) I'm back now though so if anyone has any suggestions on where the story should go let me know would appreciate the suggestions :]]

I woke up the next morning feeling amazing. One of the good things about being part vampire is you don't get hangovers. I went and had a shower then got changed into a pair of dark blue skinny's a purple tank top and put on my pair of purple batman converse. I walked downstairs to see Klaus sitting in the living room reading a book. I walked straight past him and went to the fridge and got out  blood bag. When I closed the fridge Klaus was standing right in-front of me. 

"Good morning to you too." I grinned cheekily

Klaus - "What were you playing at last night."

"I got bored" I shrugged and started sipping on the blood bag. 

I started walking over to the living room and he stood in-front of me again blocking my way.

"Move out of my way." I try to VS (Vampire Speed) him but hes to fast.

"What are you going to do ground me?" I asked in a sarcastic tone.

Klaus -"Your still mad at me, fine have your little teen-aged strop."

"Why are we even here?!"

Just before he could answer Hayley walked in. The room went silent and I looked her up and down.

"Oh. my. god... Your pregnant!

The both looked at me shocked

Hayley - "How the hell do you know?"

"I can sense it... duh! You really need to invest in some condoms Nik"

Klaus - "I have some business to attend to none of you leave the house"

Before we knew it he was gone.

Hayley - "I think you put him in a mood."

I couldn't help but laugh with her " Hes always in a mood" I said whilst we were both still laughing.

I spend the whole day with Hayley getting to know her. She was really nice, funny and a tad bitchy which I liked about her. We were sitting in the living room when Rebekah came storming in.

Rebekah "Nik!...Nik!... What have you done with Elijah you asshole."

Klaus - "Enough with all the shouting sister"

Rebekah - " Where is Elijah and what have you done with him?!"

Klaus - " I haven't done anything to him." He said with a fake innocent look on his face.

Rebekah - " I don't believe you."

She stormed out the room with me and Hayley following behind her. We walked down a hidden spiral staircase.

Rebekah - " The governor had many secret rooms but this was his favourite."

She led us into a dark creepy room with coffins in it.

Rebekah - " You want to  get to know your dad Kiera, here's a fun fact he keeps us daggered in these coffins. This ones mines. Elijahs isn't here."

I had no idea how to reply to that. For the first time ever I was speechless. We went back upstairs and Rebekah bolted straight out the door. Before we could follow her Klaus stepped in front of us blocking our way.

Klaus -"You too aren't going anywhere."

"Why not" I asked annoyed.

Klaus -"My friend Marcel has minions everywhere I don't want anything leading them here to you or well... that." He said whilst pointing to Haley's stomach.

Hayley - "You are all class."

I walked away from them and started going upstairs.

Klaus - "Away off to have another one of your tantrums sweetheart"

"You cant watch both of us all the time." I said whilst VS right past him and out the door. I kept running till I was in the busy Streets of New Orleans

(Rebekahs P.O.V)

I was in a small bar when I seen an old friend Marcel sitting with a blonde woman.

"Still like blondes I see" I said whilst walking over to them.

I grabbed the girl by her neck and pinned her up against the wall

"Tell me where my brother is Marcel or I will end her."

Marcel - Okay... okay put her down and I will take you to him.

I let the blonde girl go and compelled her to leave and forget everything.

Marcel showed me to an old attic in an abandoned church. I could see Elijahs coffin.

"Why cant I get in?"

Marcel - " Sorry you have to ask the lady of the house."

A small girl stood in front of Marcel. She looked no older than 16 and had long wavy brown hair.

Davina - "Come in."

I ran over to Elijah and tried to pull the dagger out from his chest. Before I could get it all the way out it got forced back in and the coffin slammed shut.

Davina - " I wouldnt do that if I were you."

" And who the bloody hell are you?"

Davina - "Davina, I think its time for you to leave."

Before I could answer back she threw me against the wall and out the window.

Kiera MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now