Chapter 16 - My hero

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 Just to let you guys know the italics later in the chapter is Kiera's dream :]]

I woke up to unfamiliar voices and I was in a strange dark room. I was lying on the cold hard ground and there was chains around my wrists. I tried to pull them off but it was no use they were too strong and my body was too sore. I heard whispers coming from the other side of the door. "Who's there?" I attempted to say but my voice was so shaky it barely sounded like a whisper. The door slammed open revealing a small middle aged women with dark skin walked in followed by Sabine with two large men behind her. I knew her. I had never met her before but somehow I knew her. It was Agnes the crazy ass elder witch. "W..what do you want from me?" I asked trying not to sound so scared but failing. 

Agnes " hush devil child, all will be explained."

Sabine " Agnes what are you going to do she's just a kid"

Agnes " Klaus Mikaelsons kid that should not of been allowed to survive and when his other child is born I will kill them both."

Sabine " But how she's immortal"

Agnes " I will find away"

Sabine " So you're just going to keep her down here until the baby is born? Klaus will kill us all."

Agnes " Your vision was clear Sabine her and that unborn child will bring death to all witches"

"I am so sick of people making accusations of my little sister, she's just a harmless little baby you stupid old women!" I shout at her feeling more angry than scared. She walked up to me and slapped me hard on the face. I tried to use my magic on her but every time I did my fingers felt like they were being snapped. Agnes raised her hand causing me to duple over and scream out in pain. It felt like there was thousands of needles getting stabbed into my brain. As I lay there screaming in pain Agnes laughed and made the pain worse "I will get you for this" Was the last thing I said before passing out again. Every time I woke up Agnes would do the same thing over and over again.

Davinas P.O.V

"Marcel someones doing magic." I said whilst jumping out of my chair, Marcel and Klaus watching my every move. I ran over to the art easel and started drawing. "Its....Its....Agnes....Shes got Kiera"

Klaus "Where are they?!" He shouted getting very angry.

"I...I don't know, I cant see"

Klaus "Try harder little witch"

Marcel "Klaus relax, we can just get Dee to do a locator spell."

Marcel was gone in a flash and returned with a map of New Orleans. Klaus poured some of his blood onto it and I begun chanting. It was no good. I couldn't find her anywhere. The longer I took the more irritated Klaus became. I took a deep breath and started again. I was getting closer. She was underground, I could feel her. Just as I was about to see the exact location she was pain shot through me as if I had been hit by lightning. I screamed out in pain as everything around me went black.

Kieras P.O.V

Sabine " Agnes that's enough, shes just a kid"

Agnes "Fine but I will be back Kiera"

They both walked out the door with the two large men following behind them. Thank god she finally stopped, I couldn't take anymore it felt like my head was about to explode. I lay on the cold dirty floor wondering when someone was going to come and rescue me. I started to plan my revenge. I was going to make that bitch pay. As I was plotting my revenge I begun to drift off to sleep. I was outside a random house. It was a white house with a royal blue door. I had never been here before but I felt the need to go inside. I knocked on the door and Jay answered. "Kiera what are you doing here?" He asked confused. "Help me" I grabbed a hold of his hand and in a flash we were in the basement room where I was being held. We were floating over my lifeless body. I woke up and looked around. I had no idea what had just happened. I heard the door unlock and Sabine came in holding a small cup of blood in it. She gave it to me and I gulped it down as fast as I could. "Please help me Sabine" I said letting out a few sobs.

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