Chapter 18 - Rampage

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Once again this chapter is dedicated to my friend ScotsJanoskianator and I would just like to thank everyone for all the reads, likes and comments :]]

It had been two whole weeks since I was imprisoned in my bedroom. I was bored, hungry and all I could think about was getting my revenge. Elijah appeared at my door with a small glass of blood in his hands. "Two weeks of being starved and that's all I get, i'm pretty sure this counts as child abuse" I said pulling a fake innocent i'm sorry look. I took a drink trying to savour the flavour when my mouth and throat started to burn. I spat it out and looked at Elijah "Really Elijah? vervain?" I strained "nice touch" I smirked and nodded sarcastically while coughing " did you put anything else in here?" I chocked while I fell to my knees and started coughing violently "whats wrong Kiera?" Elijah looked worried and walked into the room towards me, he crouched beside me and I VS behind him and sunk my sharp teeth into his neck. The blood tasted good running down throat. It wasn't as good as human blood but it would have to do for now. Before he could fight me off I snapped his neck to buy me some time. "Davina!" I shouted hitting the invisible wall. Davina peeked her head out of her door. "Davina you need to let me out of here! it's Elijah he needs help hurry!" I lied, forcing a few fake tears. She was so naive so she dropped the veil and I VS out of there.

I tip toed down the stairs and looked into the living room. Klaus was pacing back and forth talking to his compelled therapist Cami once again. I waited until his back was turned and VS out the door and into the quarter. I was angry. Angry that Klaus and Elijah locked me up for two fucking weeks with nothing to eat or do! I had been socially deprived so if I end up socially awkward its on them. I walked down the quarter and went into a small bar and my eyes were instantly drawn to a tall blonde, she looked annoying so I decided to relieve those around her and walk up behind her. "Hi, i'm Kiera" I said sweetly to get her to turn around "I don't care" she scoffed and looked me up and down. "Don't scream or run" I compelled her. I bit her neck, not even bothering to feed on her I just wanted the satisfaction of killing everyone. There wasn't many people in this bar, only those girls and the bar tender so when her friends started screaming I threw them back with my powers "Don't make this any harder than it needs to be" I told them and they stopped screaming just faint, weak whimpers fell from their lips "Eenie, meenie," I pointed to a brunette and walked towards her "Times up" I whispered and bit into her neck as well, I killed the rest quick and easy and left the bar not bothering to wipe the blood from my face. "Kiera! hey, Kiera! where are you going?" Tam came running after me. I didn't have time for him. "Not now." I growled and he just stood in-front of me. "Kiera you need to go back to the compound" he spoke quieter as if he was scared. I shook my head "Don't think so Timmy now get out my way" he stood up straight "I'm not letting you kill anymore innocent people" he spoke firmly. I seen Davina watching us from the corner of my eye. "Either you move Tom or I will move you" "Its Tim" he corrected me. "Now I didn't want to do this but..." I told him before snapping his neck and watching him fall to the cold floor. I stepped over his body and continued walking. "Kiera! you bitch!" a sobbed cry came from behind me. I turned on my heel to see Davina crouched over Tim's body as she cried.

"I warned him" I shrugged and turned again. I only took one step before pain shot through my head bringing me to my knees. "Why Kiera?! how could you be so cruel" Davina was walking towards me twisting her hands to make the pain worse "stop!" I screamed and she did, she lifted her other hand to lift a near by chair but I beat her to it and threw her back with force where she landed in a heap on the floor. We both got to our feet waiting to see what the other would do. Wind started blowing around us as our anger fuelled the magic within us, Davina raised her hand to lift me and dropped me back down again. That bitch. I rolled around in pain and when I got back up she was gone. I spun in my spot looking for her, and caught a glimpse of her brown curls in the crowd. I ran after her  weaving in and out of spaces between people, I followed her into another bar  where the night walkers would normally hang out. I ran in after her and seen that Jay was the only other one in there. I watched as Davina twisted her hand and whispered some witchy words, Jay started twisting in pain. "No! stop! Davina stop!" I screamed running towards Jay. He started coughing up water, she was drowning him from the inside. His eyes closed and he fell to the floor. Tears rolled down my face as I fell to my knees in-front of him. "Jay please wake up, wake up Jay" why isn't he waking up? hes a vampire for Christ sake's. "Why did you do that to him?" I screamed at Davina and she was crying too. "It hurts doesn't it! you wouldn't know because you've been a heartless bitch for the past few weeks" she screamed back and I cried harder. Why am I crying so much? I barely knew the boy. I rested my lips on his forehead "I'm sorry" I whispered. Just then Jay started coughing, I sat back and watched his eyes flicker open. "What happened?" he gasped and I looked back at Davina. "You didn't think i'd actually kill him did you? I just wanted you to know how I feel" She was still crying as she left the bar to probably go to retrieve Tommy or whatever the hell his name was. "Are you okay?" I asked Jay as I helped him to his feet. "I am now that you're here" he smiled showing his dimples. He was so cute. I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him. His chest vibrated against mines as he laughed and hugged me back. We stayed like that for a few minutes before my phone started ringing. It was Klaus. He was not going to be happy.

And that's it for now. Please tell me what you think of this chapter, I apologize if there's loads of mistakes it was late when I wrote this. Till next time...



Thanks for reading! :]]

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