Chapter 9 - Curiostity

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So I've been trying to fit this story around the originals as best as I can, so were going to skip the part where Klaus beats Marcels army and in this chapter he is moving back to the compound that he once built :)

Hoc est infantima malom, noz omnia perditu el eam. I couldn't get these words out of my head. Every time I closed my eyes to try and sleep I just kept picturing Sabine with that necklace hovering over me repeating these words. The curiosity was killing me. I sat on my bed with my laptop in-front of me sitting on my knee. I typed in the strange words to an online translator. I clicked on every single language there was. French nope. German nope. I was about to give up when I noticed I missed one out. Latin. It translated to the child is evil, they will destroy us all. This raised more questioned than it answered. The child? is that me? I am not a child, i'm practically an adult. and who is this 'they' that will supposedly destroy them all? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Hayley walked past holding her swollen stomach. Of course the baby. The baby cant be evil can it? its just a little baby. I sat on my bed confused thinking about how my little sister could be evil. I know Klaus is her dad but hes my dad and I'm not evil. Once again I was snapped out my deep thoughts when Klaus stood at the doorway.

 Klaus "Come on, were leaving."

"Leaving? where?" I hate moving around. As soon as I get settled in somewhere we move again.

Klaus " I defeated Marcels pathetic attempt to kill me and doing so I won back my kingdom. Were moving to the compound that I built."

"But..." I was cut off by him giving me a serious look. There was no point in arguing with him. I had learned from the last time not to argue with him. I followed him downstairs and outside. He opened the car door to the back seat and motioned for me to get in. I frowned and sat in the car. Hayley sat in the passenger seat and she looked just more annoyed than I did.

"What about my clothes?" I asked him.

Klaus "Don't worry about that love, I will send someone round to get them."

The entire car ride was silent. We arrived at the compound and it was full of vampires. It made me feel nervous being around so many people that I didn't know. I am a hybrid and could kill them with a single bite but I was still quite a shy girl. The good thing about this place is there is a big built in bar full with loads of different kinds of alcohol.

Marcel "You must be the famous Kiera" He said whilst shaking my hand. I just smiled nervously back at him without saying anything.

Klaus " Marcel lets get down to business shall we?" He said whilst rubbing his hands together like some evil villain in a superhero movie.

Klaus "Kiera when I'm gone don't leave the house and I don't want you to talk to Elijah or Rebekah. Do you understand?"

" You can't stop me from talking to my auntie and uncle."

Klaus "Oh but I can love."

"So you don't want me to talk to them because they hurt your feelings? who's behaving like a teenager now?"

Marcel was amused by what I just said and tried his hardest to his laughter. Klaus didn't look happy but when was he ever happy? I stormed up the stairs and started looking for bedroom to call my own. Hopefully I could find one as far away from Klaus's as possible. I settled for a medium sized room on the second floor. It has three white walls and one burgundy wall. The reason I picked this room was because of the amazing view it had of the French Quarter and of course the giant comfy bed that was pushed up against the burgundy wall. It wasn't as good my bed back in Mystic Falls. It made me feel depressed thinking about Mystic Falls. I missed being a cheerleader and being part of their group. I missed my best friend Ali and I especially missed Jeremy. I wish I could of had more time with them. Me and Ali still text and have the odd phone call but it wasn't the same. There was a loud knock on the door then a young looking vampire walked in with two large suitcases in his hands. He placed them down on the bed and left again. I never realized how much stuff I had until I had to unpack it all.

Kiera MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now