Chapter 20 - Princess Mikaelson

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I ran around the busy streets of the french quarter searching for Klaus but he was no where to be seen. I had no idea what he was going to do to Jay if he found him. I went into the nightwalkers bar, Jay was sitting at the table looking down at his phone. He looked up and smiled at me as I walked towards him.

Jay "Back for more already?"

Before I could come up with a comeback there was a flash and Klaus had Jay pinned up against the wall by his neck. "Klaus! let him down!"

Klaus "You and I need to have a little chat. Everyone get out!" He yelled and all the nightwalkers did as they were told and left like little obedient dogs. He made his grip on Jay's throat tighter.

"Klaus, Stop it please"

Klaus "Now what am I going to do with you?"

Jay "Please put me down" He coughed whilst trying to remove Klaus' hand

"Klaus put him down!"

Klaus "You should know I don't do well with demands love. You took the one thing from my daughter she can never get back"

"It was never there for him to take, he wasn't my first" A tear fell down my cheek, and another and another they just wouldn't stop. My legs were going to give way so I slid down the wall and brought my knees to my chest "He's not my second either" I cried and Klaus just looked at me "third?" he asked and I just shook my head, he let out a breath and loosened his hold on Jay. He walked to me and crouched down beside me "Kiera" Klaus whispered and shot Jay a look which made him leave without a word to any of us. My heart ached for him but my mind knew better. Klaus repositioned himself so he was sitting down beside me resting his elbow on his knee.

Klaus "Tell me what happened to you"

I shook my head and hid my face in my arms. I couldn't talk to him about this.

Klaus "look at me" He cupped his hand under my chin forcing me to look at him "tell me"

I shook him off "No, something are better left unsaid" I didn't want to have this conversation with him, not yet anyways. I wiped my tears away, got up and walked through to the other room in the bar where Jay was standing with the other nightwalkers.

Jay "Kiera are you okay?" He said running up to me.

Klaus "Get away from her!" He VS behind Jay and grabbed him from behind sinking his teeth into his neck and dropping him.

"What did you do that for?!" I screamed with anger as the tinted windows smashed. The nightwalkers screamed as the sun burned their skin. Most of them made it out of the sun but a few of them burnt to a crisp. I knelt down to Jay's body. His bite mark was all red and gross. "Jay, you're going to be okay"

Klaus "Your little boyfriend for my nightwalkers, seems fair"

"That wouldnt of happened if you didnt bite him!"

klaus "Well I wouldn't of bit him if you had just told me what happened!"

"And now I never will, if he dies I will never talk to you again" He turned around and started to walk away. "Where are you going you have to heal him" He stopped in his path like he was thinking about it before he disappeared. I helped Jay into the other room to avoid him getting burnt.

Jay " This is it, I'm going to die"

"And I thought I was a drama queen, you're not going to die"

Jay "But the only thing that can heal me if his blood"

"unless... my blood can"

Jay "That's impossible you're not the original hybrid"

"But he's my dad, I was born a hybrid, his blood runs in my veins i'm practically an original. But there's only one way to find out" I bit into my wrist and fed Jay my blood. Instantly his bite wound started to heal. I was so relieved that I kissed him. I shifted myself so I was sitting on his knee while we were still kissing, then my phone started to ring. Great, perfect timing. I looked at my phone in surprise, it was Davina. I answered it and she spoke in a panicked tone "Kiera you need to get here now, its Hayley hurry!" then she hung up.I got up and VS straight to the compound as fast as I could without even saying a single word to Jay. I arrived at the compound to see Hayley holding her stomach screaming in pain "We need to get her to the hospital!"

Davina "There's no time! the baby's coming and shes coming now"

Hayley "No... she cant its to early"

"Hayley relax its going to be fine, you need to go lie on your bed. Davina I know you hate me but we need to wok together"

Davina "Okay what do you need me to do?"

"Get towels and blankets"

Davina "What do we need towels for?"

"I don't know but that's what they say in the movies" I helped Hayley to her bed and tried to make her as comfortable as possible. Davina came in with towels and blankets in her arms. I took out my phone and dialed Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah but none of them would bloody answer. Hayley screamed and screamed as the baby shifted inside her.

Hayley "Shes coming! where the hell is everyone?!"

"Hayley you need to push now"

Hayley "No I cant"

"Yes you can, you can do it" She repositioned her legs and screamed more and more. "Keep going Hayley you're doing great"

Hayley "It hurts to much, I cant"

Davina "I can help with the pain"

She took one of Hayleys hands and waved her other hand over Hayleys swollen stomach and started chanting. Hayley begun to relax. "Push again Hayley". She took a deep breath and started pushing again. "Oh my god, I see a head. Keep going Hayley one last push, its almost over" She started taking short breaths. "on the count of three. One...two....three" we all counted down together. Hayley screamed as she pushed one last time. The room went silent as I picked up the tiny baby and wrapped a blanket around her. Her cries echoed through the halls. She was beautiful. "Congratulations Hayley" I said whilst walking over and placing the small baby in her arms. We all had a few tears rolling down our faces. It was the most amazing thing I had ever witnessed.

Hayley "Welcome to the world, princess Mikaelson"

Sorry its taken me a while to update I've been ill :( but i'm all better now :D. I appologise if Hayley giving birth wasn't very good I have never given birth nor witnessed it so I had no clue how to write it, please let me know what you thought and if you have any suggestions on what you would like to see in the next chapter let me know oh and baby name suggestions please! :]]



Thanks for reading :]]

Kiera MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now