Chapter 1

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The rain slashed the windows harshly all day. Cracks of lightning and booms of thunder were nonstop. The clouds were really dark grey and bulky. It wouldn't stop anytime soon. The telly was on but no one was watching it.

People were supposed to be coming over for this humongous gathering. My family lives in such a big house. There is ten bedrooms, three bathrooms, two kitchens, and one living room. I have no clue why there is so much, it's only my mum, dad, and me.

Mum always had these types of things, mainly because of her job as an executive producer. She's one of the best, the thing is she is busy all the time. I cannot get any free time with her. Anytime I asked she was like 'I have to go to the studio' and she was gone for a few days. We live in Seattle, Washington and she has to take a plane down to Los Angeles, California.

See dad is different, he is gone for a week or two at a time. He is an international stock marketer. So he gets to go to Japan, China, Russia, Italy, and places in Australia and Africa. So he is gone and mum is gone. Basically, I am home alone most of the time.

I don't go to a public school, mum has me on home schooling. Someone stops by every Friday to check my progress. They also give me my tests. This Friday is my last test ever and my last day of school. But that doesn't mean I get to move out. Mum says that I can stay here under her wing so I can be protected because paparazzi.

That's something I do not understand, I'm always studying or cleaning so I don't go outside very often. But, no one knows of me. I never get on the internet and I don't have a phone. Mum forbids me.

"Nova darling, change into your dress! You aren't going to wear that!" My mum says, gesturing to my pajamas.

I sigh and run up to my bedroom. Mum had already laid out my dress and shoes. I don't understand why I'm getting all dressed up, I'm not even leaving my room. She doesn't let me out when people are here. It's terribly stupid, all of this just because the paps. Rolling my eyes I strip down and pull the dress over my head.

Polka dots, the one pattern I hate because my mum made me wear them all the damn time. The polka dots were light pink and the rest of the dress was all black. I liked the colors, not the pattern on the dress.
I pull my long brown, wavy hair into a messy bun on top of my head, letting little wisps of hair fall out.

"Nova," dad knocks, "Darling, are you ready."

I open the door and nodded. We walked down the stairs, to the kitchen to see mum. She went over the basics, I had to stay in my room most of the time. If I came out, I don't tell anyone who I am and get back to my room as soon as possible.

I always roll my eyes at this but do as I am told. The doorbell buzzes and mum shoos me away. Instead of going to my room, I go to the game room they prepared for me when I was younger. It's a really big with tables -big enough for board games- lined up against the back wall. There was one beanbag chair, one couch, two huge bookshelves, and a telly with movies also in the room.

In the closet was stuffed animals, two more beanbag chair, a really big stuffed bear, and more board games. I have never been in this room before.

I open the other door in room, it was a bathroom. This room is equipped with everything but food and drinks. I quickly run downstairs and grab a couple bottles of water, bag of chips, and a plate of foods from the long table mum had prepared. Then quickly go back up to that room.

I pull out one of the little tables and put the foods and drinks on it. Then I grabbed the big stuffed bear from the closet, placing it on the couch. My mum gets all movies ever made because of her job. On the two humongous brown bookshelves, are all the movies she has. I browse through the movies and settle on The Conjuring 2.

Everyone was laughing downstairs as I started the movie. About thirty minutes into the movie, I heard a knock on the door. Who could that possibly be? I pause the movie and walk to the door, cracking it slightly. There stood a tall boy with messy, blonde hair and blue eyes.

I scratched the back of my neck, "yes?" I asked the boy at the door.

"Er... Can you guide me to a restroom?" The boy asks.

"There's one in here you could use." I say stepping back, allowing him to come through the door. I pointed to the door in which the restroom was and returned to my seat on the couch.

I curled my legs up and rested my upper body on the stuffed bear. Then I continued my movie. So far, the movie was great, it was way better than the first one. The bear was really comfortable, it's dark brown with and bow around its neck.

The boy walks out of the restroom and plops down on the couch next to me. He watches for a few minutes before getting up and walking around the room looking at the game tables, the games, and the movies. "This is a lot of stuff you got here." He chuckles.

"Yeah, I actually just discovered this room not to long ago. Nothing's really been touched." I say pausing the movie again.

"I'm sorry, am I bothering you?" The boy asks with a sorrowed look on his face.

"No, you aren't, it's actually lonely up here." I say pulling on the edge of my dress.

"Well come on downstairs."

"I can't.. Er... I'll be right back." I say walking out of that room and to mine. I changed back into my pajamas so I could feel more comfortable. Then I walk back to that game room. He was sitting in the floor with a deck of cards in his hands.

"Want to play a card game?" He said and I nodded. "We have war, go fish -"

"Go fish is fine." I say looking down at him as I sit down. He deals the cards and we play for a little while. It calms downstairs after awhile and we hear a knock on the door. The boy gets up and answers it, I walk behind him.

"Nova! Luke! You aren't supposed to be in here!" She shakes her head, "Luke, get out, it's time to leave! Nova, you were supposed to be in your room, not socializing! Go to your room this instant!" She yells at the both of us.

I take one last glance at the tall blonde boy named Luke, knowing I'd never see him again. Following mum's orders, I go directly to my room. It was a medium-sized room with a king sized bed, a walk in closet, the theme colour is turquoise, the second colour was grey.

I let my hair down and brushed it out, then I laid on my bed looking out of the window across my room. Oh, how I was so mad at mum. Sometimes I just wish she'd leave and stay gone.

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