Chapter 12

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** A week later **

We've made it to Illinois. We had been through Colorado, Kansas, Arkansas, and a few other states. We will be heading to New York, Maine, Massachusetts, Alabama, and Florida.

In Florida we will meet up with Luke's friends, hang out, and have fun. I don't know what's going to happen after we are done in Florida.

The dream I had last week was still bothering me, the guy knew my name and what I did. Then again it was my dream. I didn't know how many more secrets Luke had, but I knew if I n keep anything hidden any longer, he would find out and make me leave. For now, it's best that I keep it to myself.

We had checked into the fourth hotel since we left my house. It's only been eight days, two days per state we stop in, and two weeks since I met Luke.

Luke had instantly got in the shower and I turned on the telly. It wasn't long before he got out of the shower and sat down with me. He laid on his side with his head in my lap. I put my hand in his hair and mess around with the long parts of his hair.

A talk show was on the telly, they had a special guest on the show today. Of course I didn't know the show because I rarely watched actual shows on the telly. About midway through the show, the guest came on.

"Live from Illinois, it's Arzalyea! So tell me Arzaylea, what is it like dating the dreamy, Luke Hemmings?" Said one of the ladies on the show.

"How was it, you meant? Luke was great until he screwed the skank that's been around him the past week. He totally cheated on me and left me for her. Her name is Nova Robbins."

"So you mean to tell me, Nova Robbins is that girl? Wait... Is she Lucy and Jack Robbins daughter?" Another lady asked.

"Of course. I would know, she's my sister!" Arzaylea says.


"Her dad is my dad. He changed his last name and all, just to start over. He didn't ever want kids, he was always rude to them, kept them locked away from the world, I'm just glad it didn't happened to me!" She says tauntingly, as if she knew we were watching.

She was my sister? Dad never told me any of this. But how do I know this is truthful?

Luke turned onto his back to look up at me. "She's your sister?"

"That's what she says, but I don't know if that's the truth." I say tapping my finger lightly on his face.

He smiles, "it's time for you to get some sleep, I'm going to the store in a little bit."

"What are you going to get?"

"Snacks, water, gatorade, and something for tomorrow night." He says sitting up so I could get up.

I wasn't going to ask him what was happening tomorrow. "Can you at least wait until I fall asleep to leave?" I asked walking over the bedroom.

"Do you want me to help you fall asleep as well?" He laughed from his spot on the couch.

"No, but I do want you to lay in there until I fall asleep." I say before jumping into the bed and laying under the blankets.

Luke walks in and lays down next to me, but on top of the blankets. I pulled part of the blanket close to my face and drifted off to sleep slowly.


I woke up tangled in Luke's arms and legs. His phone started to buzz, I couldn't read the name that appeared, but I shook Luke awake. Luke answered his phone and the guy on the other side of the phone was practically yelling.

"LUKE! YOU SAW WHAT HAPPENED, RIGHT?" the guy exclaims.

"Michael, I just woke up, quit yelling." Luke says with his eyes barely open.

"After what Arzaylea said about you and Nova yesterday, the fandom went crazy! The don't like Nova and they want her gone." Michael says.

"Well she isn't going anywhere anytime soon." He says pulling me closer. Luke then hangs the phone up, closes his eyes, and starts to fall asleep. As soon as I thought he was asleep, I get out of bed, and straight into a hot shower.

I washed my hair, conditioned it, and then washed my body pretty quickly, then I let the hot water run down my body, relaxing my muscles.

Luke made me feel safe, even if I hadn't faced any actual danger. He didn't seem too upset about Arzaylea being my sister, but I was. My dad never told me about her, or that she knew of me. I think I should find out more about this before I actually trust her words.

I turn the water off and start to dry off with a towel. That's when I realized I forgot my clothes in the room. Wrapping the towel around my body, I walk into the room quietly, trying not to disturb Luke.

I got one of my oversized t-shirts, sports bra, panties, and some Nike shorts to wear. As I turn around, I saw that Luke had woken up. I awkwardly stand there holding my clothes against my towel, making sure it didn't fall. My cheeks started to feel warm.

"So is this going to become a thing?" Luke says laughing.

"I surely hope not, it's kind of embarrassing." I say, my cheeks growing warmer. I walked out of the room and to the bathroom to change. Afterwards, I towel dried my hair, then brushed it.

As I came out of the bathroom, I heard Luke talking to someone on the phone.

"So we're still on for tonight, right?.... No she doesn't know about it yet, I'm going to tell her here in little while.... Starts at seven?... Bye." He walks out of the room and jumps when he sees me.

"At first I thought it was a booty call." I say with a little giggle because I scared him.

"A booty call? As if! It's just a party." He says laughing. Luke walks in the bathroom while I walk to the couch and sit down.

I turn the telly over to the news and watch it for a little while. "Breaking News! Two of the five men that were caught leaving the Robbins resident, were arrested and put in custody as of last night. They were arrested in Arkansas said to be going to Illinois."

They must be watching Luke and I closely.. But why? Were they after me? Was it because my mum and dad's past?

It started to scare me, people who didn't know my name, knows it now. My mum wrote in the note that she didn't want me to use my actual name, but Arzaylea told everyone who was watching that show, my name.

I started to think about the plane crash that involved mum and dad. I know airplane crashes are normal, but the plane they took had to have been checked that morning. Something about it just felt off to me.

"Nova! Come here!" Luke had called from the room.

I get up from the couch and slowly walk into the room. Luke was standing at the edge of the bed, there was a black dress with holes going up the side and collar of it, a black button up shirt, and black skinny jeans.

"This is what we are wearing to the party." He says winking at me.

"I suppose you want me to try the dress on?" I ask as I felt myself start to blush. He nodded so I walked to the bathroom and pulled it over my head and smoothed it out.

It formed to my body, I didn't quite like it, but it looked good on me. The best thing about the dress was that it wasn't polka dotted. I walk back to the room, Luke was on his phone with someone.

I cleared my throat to get his attention. "Uhm.., Can I call you back here in a few?" He says stumbling over his words.

Luke's eyes wander down my body, then back up again. "Don't drool on yourself." I say.

"Do you like it?" He asks adjusting where the open part of the side went.

"It's not something I normally wear, but it's alright. It's not polka dots and it's not too tight." I say giggling.

I went and changed back into my regular clothes. Luke and I then sat on the couch and watched Criminal Minds until it was time to leave.

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