Chapter 23

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"Hey, Ash, you're on speaker." Luke says while rolling his eyes.

"Is she okay? News traveled quickly around the internet." He says worriedly.

"Yeah, a few stitches, a few bruises, a slight concussion. What's up?" Luke asks.

"I'm going to get to the point. The fans started a rumor, it's not pleasant."

"Let me take a wild guess, I called Nova a whore because she was with Nathan?" he says sighing.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Ashton asks confused.

"Ashton, I have social media, and plus that's what caused Nova to get hurt." Luke says hanging up. Luke turned his phone off completely, walking into the room, I followed him.

I walked over to where he was standing. "Are you okay, Luke?"

"No, Nova, I'm not. I put you in a place where you got hurt. And he messed with your head, mentally and physically. It was a bad idea to do. You didn't believe him, right?" He says, running his hands through his hair.

"Weeell... I kind of did." I say looking down at my feet.

"What kind of person do you take me for? I certainly would never call any girl that!" He raises his voice.

"Well everything happened in a sudden. Meeting you, my parents dying, the note they left, the stalkers, the stuff with Nathan. It's overwhelming for a girl who's life was turned upside down!" I started to raise my voice as well.

Luke was silent for a little, I saw his anger brewing inside. "I had no choice but to believe."

"No, Nova, you had the choice, and you chose to believe him an his lies." He yells raising his hand  in the air.

I flinch, holding my hands in front of my face, scared he was going to hit me. Through a crack between my fingers, I looked at Luke. He had a saddened look on his face.

"You thought I was going to hit you?" he pulls me into a hug, "I would never hit you. Please, forgive me for getting mad."

Hugging him back, I say, "I can't stay mad at you."


It was around 10:45pm when Luke ended up falling asleep. I had finally laid down to sleep, but all I could do was think about how my life went downhill.

I wish I hadn't ever met Nathan. I wish my parents had cared about me, I wish they didn't get on that plane. What if Luke hadn't been there the night of my parents get together? What if Arzaylea didn't say anything, would I have been better? Would I have had a better life? I know I've only been with him for two weeks, and will be with him for two more weeks, but this past week was shitty. Beyond shitty.

Maybe I could start over, move somewhere without Luke. Change my looks and identity. Go to college and get a job, not live off of my inheritance from my parents.  Forget all about Luke, Arzaylea, and his friends when I meet them. Seemed good to me. But what about what my mom wanted?  I'd get hurt again, emotionally.

I trust Luke, but what's not to say he takes me back to Australia, or wherever he's going, and he just leaves me.. I would be stranded in a place I don't know.. Hell, I don't even this place.

Looking over at Luke, I close my eyes and drifted slowly to sleep.


Staring at three boys and Luke, tears in my eyes, bags in my hands. I didn't want to go, but they didn't want me anymore. I placed my hand on the door knob, each one of them nodded for me to leave. I looked at the plane ticket on my hand.

Opening the door, I see the taxi that was going to take me to the airport. I walk out the door and right to the taxi. Time went by fast, my predictions came true.

"You're not the first to be rejected by them. Good luck on wherever you are going, though." The taxi driver says.

"Do you pick up all their rejects?" I ask sniffling.

"I work for them, hun." He says chuckling.

"I thought he cared about me, I loved him.." I say, going on another round of crying.


"Nova, are you okay? You were crying in your sleep." Luke says, pulling me upright, into a hug.

"It was just a dream", I say breathlessly, hugging him back tightly, "a very realistic dream."

Luke didn't say anything at first, he just hugged me tighter. Then he said, "It's time to get on with the road trip, to forget about this past week."

I thought for a second, "Luke?"

"Yes, Nova?"

"Suppose you could take me to see Nathan?" I question.

Luke's face was full of question, but didn't want to know at the moment, "Sure, but we have to make it quick." he says slightly pulling me to get out of bed.


"Do you want me to go in with you?" Luke asks, worried.

"No, there are armed guards, I think I'll be good." I say, unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of the car.

I got to the entrance, asked to see Nathan Black, and got lead to a booth with a phone. In front of me, there was a glass wall, and Nathan being seated.

He picked up the phone on his side, "You're the last person I expected to see. What brings you here?"

At first, I didn't say anything, I lifted part of my hair, watching Nathan cringe. "This is what you did to me, you happy?"

"Ye- I mean no. I know it wasn't good and I was an asshole." Nathan says, playing with the phone cord.

"Save it, Nathan. I cane here to forgive you. Life is never happy with hate and hostility. This will be the last time you see me. Good-bye, Nathan." I say.


I got back to the car, Luke smiling brightly. Does his fans feel this tingly inside when he smiles?

We were on the road to Massachusetts in a heartbeat. This time on the road, we listened to The Offspring, The Used, Green Day, and Matt Corby. Out of all the bands we listened too, I had only knew Green Day.

Luke turned down the radio for a few minutes, "Why'd you want to see him?"

"I had to forgive him." I reply looking over at him.

"You didn't have to, you chose too. Although there's nothing wrong with that. It's actually good you did." Luke says, glancing over at me, "What should we go see in Massachusetts?"

"Hmmm, I kind of want to go to the Stone Bridge Trail or maybe the harbor. I like the historic moment in the harbor." I say recalling learning about the Boston Tea Party. I had studied a lot on Massachusetts because of a school project.

"You know a lot about Boston." Luke chuckles, taking my hand in his, "You're so adorable."

Anytime he says that, I get so happy. He's just my friend, why do I get like this. I'm sure he knows he has the power to seduce anyone he wants, just by talking, winking, or doing that lip bite thing..

Today, Luke wore a snapback, white t-shirt, with a jean jacket over it, and black ripped skinny jeans. He was undeniably hot, any girl that looked at him would melt.

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