Chapter 2

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Sleep is great, you get rest and feel way better in the morning. But that's not my case. Mum woke me up at six in the morning just for me to clean the house from the get-together. She scolded me for disobeying her last night.

So I have to clean the whole house because one mistake, good job Nova! I roll my eyes and start on the top floor. There were six rooms and a restroom. I had to clean anytime I got in trouble or disobeyed.

"Nova!" Mum hollers from the steps, "Your dad is leaving out again!"

Dad and mum were all dressed up, dad was in a black suit with a royal blue tie, mum was wearing a royal blue dress with a diamond necklace and earrings. They were a great couple, I loved them so much even though I never got to join them on any occasion.

"Why are you dressed up, mum?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows.

"Didn't I tell you? I'm going with your father this time. There's this movie that others have requested me to help with. It's so last minute, but I couldn't decline." Mum says with a little smile.

I shook my head and started to cry a little, "Don't you guys ever think of me?! All you know how to do is get up and leave! I have basically taught myself and everything! Tomorrow is my last day of school! Bet you didn't know that!" I raised my voice just a bit.

Their faces white pale and they reached a hand out to me but I turned away. "We didn't know you felt like this. We are terribly sorry." Dad speaks.

"I don't care and clearly you don't either.. Why don't you want me to hang around people? You don't want me outside either. Why?" I ask looking at the floor.

Dad looks at his watch, then to mum, then to me. "It's time for us to go.. we love you." And with that I watched them leave out the door and drive away.

I didn't feel like cleaning anymore. Gurgling and rumbles came from within my stomach. I go to the kitchen and looked around. Settling on eggs, bacon, and toast, I start the bacon.

It had been raining again today, thrashing the windows and ground. It would take a bit for the bacon to cook, so I went out onto the porch to watch the rain. Rain is beautiful to me, it softens my mood and calms me down, how amazing is it that water falls from the sky? I know that sounds dumb, but when you get down to it, it would almost seem impossible.

I went in and checked on the bacon. It was sizzling so much, the grease was popping, and the bacon was getting somewhat crispy. I pull out a pan for eggs along with the toaster for my toast.

There were knocks and a ring of the doorbell. On my way there, the knocks went on again. Opening the door, I see the blonde from the night before. "Oh, uhm, Luke right?" I say trying to remember his name.

"That's me." He says chuckling.

I motioned for him to come in, he was soaked from the rain. "Did you seriously walk here in the rain?!" I asked him.

"No, that's just how hard it's raining." He says smiling. "Smells good in here, what's cooking?"

"Just some bacon and about to cook eggs" I walk to the kitchen "want something to drink?" I ask opening the cabinet full of cups.

"Sure" he says and I get two glasses and pour some orange juice. "Where is your parents?" He asks as I hand him his glass.

I take a sip of my drink and turn to the stove, turning it on, so it could preheat. "Can you get the butter and eggs out?" I dodge his question.

He does as I ask and then repeated his question. I put two eggs in the pan and scramble them up. "They left today to go on one of their normal business runs, they won't be back for a few weeks."

The eggs finish and I start two more. I forgot to make toast so it was just eggs and bacon. The bacon was the right level of crispness, it smelled so good. I hand the plate to Luke, along with a fork. Mine finished and we sat down at the bar and ate.

Instead of a table, my family thought it was a good idea to have a bar that separates the living room from the kitchen. The kitchen is white with pastel pink polka dots. Luke was ate his food fast and put his plate in the sink. I finished up not much later.

Ignoring that Luke was there, I put leftovers up and started dishes. There wasn't many, so it wouldn't take long. "Tell me about yourself Nova." He said coming over and rinsing the dishes I have already washed.

"Well, my name is Nova. My parents are Lucy and Jack Robbins. They are really famous and they don't really let me go outside, I graduate tomorrow and I'm eighteen. And throughout my parents career, I've never been with them, never saw the cities." I say finishing the last of the dishes.

"So you have never been to the city?" He asks.

"I didn't stutter, of course I've never been." I say looking up to him. It was only nine o'clock in the morning. "Why are you here so early in the morning for?"

"I wanted to take you somewhere actually. I crashed your night and got you in trouble after all." He said chugging the rest of his drink.

"Where's that?" I say laughing a little.

"If you get in my car, I'll show you." He says smiling.

"Okay, that kind of freaks me out, have you ever watched shows with the creepy stalker?!" I said, my eyes widening.

He laughed, "Wrong choice of words.. but please, I promise you'll like it. Just wear something you can hike in."

Knowing he wouldn't tell me, I go upstairs and change my clothes, dressing in leggings, an oversized t-shirt, and my grey vans.

I braided my hair off to the side, loose hairs falling about. I go back downstairs, grabbing the house keys off the wall.

Luke was talking on his phone with someone, they were debating about what type of pizza is better. He looked over and saw that I was ready and told the person good-bye. He smiled at me and waved me on, heading towards the door.

He was on the passenger side waiting on me, as I approached, he opened the door for me. Once I got in, he made sure that nothing was in the way and shut the door. Luke got in on the other side of car and started it. Before he drove away, he turned the radio on.

Even though I didn't own a phone to play music on, I had a CD player and listened to music the old fashioned way. Dad picked me up a CD for every day he was gone, so I was very fond of music of all kinds.

I recognized the song on the radio, it was Any Other Way by We The Kings. I tapped my hand to the beat of the song then looked at Luke who was mouthing the words to the song.

"This is one of my favourite songs." I say looking back out of the window.

"One of mine too! Did you know, I actually met this band?"

"Did you really?!" I asked surprised, looking back to Luke.

He nods, smiling a bright smile. We have been driving through a large wooded area. The trees were huge with moss covering over parts of them. We started to slow down and pulled into a small dirt parking lot. He unbuckled and got out of the car, coming to my side of the car. He opens the door for me and I step out.

"Soo... Are you ready to hike?" He asks looking down at me.

I look all around us, the woods were the same as the ones we passed driving. This was the farthest from home than I had been. I still don't know where we were going. But I think it's best if I don't ask. Gosh, Luke is crazy tall, like he towers over me.

I nodded slowly to answer his question. The woods looked peaceful, I'd never been in any woods before. But I have to try new things, right?

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