Chapter 24

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A few hours later we were in Boston getting checked into a hotel. Luke had gotten one of the fanciest hotels in the area.

"You just like spending money." I say sarcastically.

"Eh. Not really." he chuckles.

I roll my eyes and laugh. We had a key for this room unlike the others who had a card. Luke unlocks the door, drops the bag off near the door and walks around.

The bedroom was grey and teal themed. The bathroom was white. The living room was white and light red themed while the kitchen area was a soft orange.

We went to the car, got a couple of waters and some of our snacks.

"Do you want to stay in the hotel today?" Luke asks, putting the waters in the refrigerator.

"Sure, it would be nice to not go out after being in the car for a few hours." I say giggling.

There was a radio on a stand next to the telly, Luke walked over to the radio with a cord and plugged it into both his phone and radio. He scrolls on his phone, stops, and presses a button. He walks over to me, taking my hand, spinning me around.

I recognized the song as "Why don't we just dance by Josh Turner." Look, I know I'm in love with rock bands, but who couldn't resist the classic Josh Turner? We danced the song away and three more after that.

We'd lost track of time just dancing and singing. We hadn't realized that it was now 1 A.M. "Do you ever run out of music?" I giggle, watching Luke turn his music off.

"I guess not." He replies, smiling, "We should probably go to sleep, so we have our energy for our hiking tomorrow."

Nodding, I walked t the bedroom a flopped down on the huge, fluffy bed. Luke came though the doorway, running, and started to jump. I closed my eyes and like he had jumped. He had just laughed and crawled onto the bed from the foot of it, laying right on top of me, putting his full weight on me.

"Luuuke!" I say trying to push him up by his shoulders. Luke laughed and pushed himself off of me, basically showing off his muscles. Good God, Luke, you need to quit. Well, not really, but I just don't want the feels.

We got under the blankets and fell to sleep. My sleep wasn't all too peaceful.. I had the same nightmare as the night before.



I went out to get breakfast. I'll be back soon, don't leave the hotel room.

- Luke

I sat the note down and decided to take a quick shower. I picked my white leggings and my Nirvana t-shirt out, left them on the bed and went into the bathroom. I'd gotten out of the shower pretty quickly. All I did was wrapped the towel around me and walked out.

As soon as I did, the door opened. It was Luke, I shook my head, "Who knew you would be so close to the hotel when I took a shower?"

He laughed, "This is the third time I've seen you in a towel."

"And I do suppose you've blushed each time?" I say, laughing and walking to the bedroom.

I got dressed, towel dried my hair, and met Luke back in the living room area. He had a box, it wasn't a big box, and it wasn't a box a ring or necklace would come in.

"I know you told me not to get you one, but I got you a phone." Luke says pulling the phone out of the box.

"Luke! This trip is enough, on top of buying me food and visiting expensive places. You didn't have to buy me a phone." I say sitting in the floor.

"Well, I did, so get over it. It's an iPhone 7+, take it or not, it's yours." he says holding for me to grab.

Looking up at him, taking it out of his hand, I sigh, "like I have any uses for it right now."

He smirked, "Are you dressed, love? It's time to go to the Stone Bridge Trail."

Love? That's a new one, but he's probably done that with every girl..

I get up and lay the phone on the couch, trailing right behind Luke.

Thirty minutes we were in a little rocky parking lot, with woods around us, and a view of the road. There were a few people gathered at their cars.

"OH MY GOSH!!! IT'S YOU!" A girl runs up to Luke, tears in her eyes, hugging him.

Luke wrapped his arms around the random girl that just forcibly hugged him. "Hello-"

"Emily, I'm Emily." she says, pulling away. "I didn't mean to inconvenience you in any way, but-"

"It's okay Emily, I'm just going on a hike, do you want a picture?" he asks looking at the girls phone. A few pictures, a hug, and a kiss on the cheek later, the girl goes back to her family.

Luke grabs a hold of my hand and kind of jogs to the beginning of the trail, "I hope you know that's only a fan."

"No way! I thought it was you're sister!" I say sarcastically.

Luke rolled his eyes as we started walking. We walked silently along the trail for what felt like twenty minutes. I bent over and picked up a stick and poked him a few times.

"Are you ticklish?" Luke asks turning around, taking my stick away.

"Who isn't?" I say, immediately wishing I hadn't said that.

Smirking, he leaped at me, making me jump backwards. "Just kidding, we can't play rough yet."

I wish I didn't have these dumb stitches in my head.. They really kill the fun.

Luke gave me a piggyback ride for a few minutes then sat me down, pointing. It was the Stone Bridge. It was all so pretty, the bridge, the water, the scenery. Everything.

I glanced out of the corner of my eye towards Luke, he'd been smiling. Luke had been smiling at me because I found so much amusement in this place.

I walked into the middle of the bridge, taking it all in. Sitting down, I wave him over. He takes a seat next to me. He wraps his arm around me, holding me close to him.

He was so cute, enjoying nature. I liked times like this with him, it was so soothing. Like I belong in his arms. But I can't be, I've made up my mind to go back to wherever my home may be.

"Luke, I never asked, but how old are you exactly?" I say, stretching and laying back.

"Believe it or not, I'm 20." He says turning around, leaning over my face, but not too close.

"You don't look like 20." I say giggling, sitting up, and facing him.

Luke bit his lip, he looked to be thinking of something. But I couldn't tell what it was. I looked all over his face for some sort of clue, on what he was thinking, but I got nothing.

"Should we head back and cook something at the hotel?" I ask breaking the silence.

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