Chapter 15

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Luke looked at me and smiled his beautiful smile as a response to the kiss on the cheek. I thought after all this time, he would have made a move on me, I mean I understand morals, but how does a guy go so long without a booty call?

Luke holds my hand, interlocking our fingers. He and I walked around for a few hours chatting about little things like when we first met. It was about 2:30pm when we headed back to the car to go get some lunch.

In the car, we were listening to a mix of bands like Green Day, Linkin Park, and Foo Fighters.

Luke turns down the volume on the stereo, "So how do you plan on taking the three guys down?"

"What do you mean?" I say turning my head towards him.

"You know, you didn't want me to do anything about Nathan, so I assume you have a plan." Luke says giving me a side glance.

"Well yeah, I do, but I'll need help." I say smirking.

He didn't respond to me after that. I don't know whether he believed me or not, but I really did have a plan. It had to take place at a party in a well known city. I wanted it to be dramatic, but what's more dramatic is getting Arzaylea and Luke to cooperate.

We neared the restaurant that we were going to eat at. It wasn't a high-end restaurant, but it wasn't a run down one either. It was an only pasta restaurant.

As we walked in, we were greeted by a sweet girl. She knew who we were, I could tell by her actions, but she didn't out burst about it. She took our order of two plates of spaghetti, two glasses of Sprite, and two pieces of cake.

When we were finished eating, Luke paid for the food and we walked around the town visiting little boutiques and a couple big stores. We were in a cute little place, it had necklaces, bracelets, and all other forms of jewelry. There was a couple aisles of clothes, hats, and shoes. There were two changing rooms and two cash registers as well.

I looked around the place, it was so beautiful. Luke had left for a minute and came back with a hat and some sunglasses. He put the glasses on my face and placed the hat in my head. I loved both of them, but they didn't match my current outfit.

"Fedoras look good on you." Luke says giving me a small smile.

I started to blush, "thanks."

I take it off along with the glasses and hand them to him so he could hold onto them. Then I walk around to the clothes aisle and look at some short, not too short, dresses. A lot of them were cute, but a loose, white dress with a little belt caught my eye. (In the media).

I walk to the dressing room, leaving Luke there. In the dressing room, I strip down and pull the dress on. It was quite comfortable, it had a cute flap around the top of the dress and the pattern was adorable.

When I walked to where I left Luke, he wasn't to be seen. I was walking around the little place not being able to find him. Giving up, I hang my head in my hands and sigh.

A hand touched my back making me jump. I turn around quickly to see Nathan grinning.

"N-Nathan.. What do you want?" I stutter.

"I want to know who told on me." He says raising his eyebrow.

"I don't know who did. It could have been anyone at that party." I say lying. 

"I'm not the person you want to lie to. By the way, you look hot." Nathan winks at me.

Nathan placed his hand on my neck where the hickeys were. I pushed him away and turned around, walking away. As I did, I ran right into another person that wrapped their arms around me. I wiggle and almost scream, but then I hear his voice calming me down.

"Nova, it's okay. No one will get you."

"Luke!" I say wrapping my arms around him.

He gave me a reassuring smile and looked past me. "Who were running from anyway?"

"I was just trying to find you." I tell him so he didn't find Nathan.

"I hope so. Are you wanting that? You look great in it." Luke says rubbing the back of his neck.

I quickly go to the dressing room and change back into my clothes I had on. Luke had stood outside of the door this time. As I came out I had my money and the dress that I had tried on. Luke still had the hat and the sunglasses. I took them from him and put them with the dress as we checked them out at the cash register.


Back at the hotel, Luke laid down on the couch with his head on my lap once again. He was facing upwards, looking at me. My arm was resting on the arm of the couch as I played with his hair.

I need to get closer to Nathan and find out who his two 'friends' are. Maybe some time alone? But how to do it?

"Luke?" I say staring across the room.

""Yes, Nova?"

"In order to take these people down, I need you and Arzaylea to help." I pause, "and I need to get closer to Nathan."

He takes my free hand in his hand and rubs the back of it with his thumb, "how close?"

"I don't know, but I need a good diversion. Text Arzaylea to come over." I say.

He did as told and got up to open he door as Arzaylea came in. "I'm here to help!" She says smiling towards me.

Luke rolls his eyes. "I need you two to pretend you guys are together of some sort."

"What? Why?" They both ask.

"So I can call Nathan, bawling my eyes out. Tell him to come get me." I say.

"Nova, are your sure this is a good idea?" Luke asks.

"Yes. I'll make him take me to Maine, then to New York. That's where the rest of the plan will carry out."

They nodded and we put the plan into action. Luke unlocked his phone, then the both of them pretended to be infatuated with each other. I called Nathan three times before he answered the phone.

"N-Nathan, I need you. I-I need away from Luke. H-Hurry please." I say sobbing.

Nathan hadn't been too far away, it had only been ten minutes before he came. He knocked and Luke stood up as I opened the door.

"Where are you going?" Luke asks. 

"I told you that you pulled the last straw, this is done. Our friendship is over." I holler towards him.

Nathan grinned as he wrapped his arm around me and shut the door.

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