Chapter 17

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I should have been more careful, but now this is out in the open, maybe something worse will come out of it for him.

"We look cute." I say winking at him.

He smiled at me and took care of both of our plates. "Is the guest room sat up for us, mom?" Nathan asks.

Mrs. Black replies, "yes, I don't want to hear your freaky stuff." She says shooing us away.

"Never." He replies laughing.

Nathan held my hand and led me to the very back room. When we got in there, I locked the door and he turned around to face me.

He pushed me softly against the door and started to kiss me, moving down my neck, and back up to my lips.

I reached my hands around his neck and ran my hair through his hair, pulling at it. I pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

Nova, don't go all the way. Just tease him..

He lifts me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He turned and walked over to the bed laying me down and getting on top of me. His kisses got rougher, he kissed down my neck, then he started biting close to my collar bone. Doing just as he did before, leaving hickeys.

I moaned out in pleasure as he did it, he pulled back and smiled. "That's all." He says rolling over.

In a way I wanted more, but I know I can't. He's bad for me. What if I out right confronted him about it? That I knew. What would happen?

I sighed softly and turn to lay on my stomach. Nathan laid his hand on my back, close to my butt.

"Pouty much? I thought guys were bad.. " he stopped and said, "that made me sound gay, didn't it?"

I laughed, "yeah, it kind of did."

He checked his phone and saw that it was 5:39 pm. "My mom never fails to take a nap at 6." He says twirling my hair.

I roll over and press my body against his. "What if I wanted you? Like wanted wanted you?" I ask avoiding the word.

"I couldn't do that to you. As much as I want to, I couldn't. You're too precious, and not mine." He says stroking my hair out of my face.

"So this is a no strings attached relationship?" I ask.

Nathan nods and pulls me as tight to him as he could. "How far would you go?" I ask.

"Uhm.. I don't know." He says shifting his body.

I rolled on my other side and closed my eyes. I didn't want him and he must have known that.

He rolled over and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. I felt so tired, I didn't even realize that I'd fallen asleep.


When I woke up, it was still dark out. Nathan wasn't in the room. Laughter rang from the front of the house. Nathan's phone was on the night stand, I reached over and turned in on. It's 1:34 AM. I creep our of bed and out to the living room, where people were talking.

Nathan was in there with another boy and his mom. He notices I'm there, so he stands up and walks me over to the couch and sits me down, as well as himself.

"Nova, this is Nathan's brother." Mrs. Black says.

I give a small smile and wave. They looked so much alike with their hair, eyes, nose, mouth. They could literally be twins.

"I've heard a lot about you, Nova." He says, "I'm Kyle, by the way."

I was still so tired but I didn't want to be in the room alone. Kyle kept looking over at me throughout the time he was here. Nathan noticed and leaned over to me, giving me a quick kiss and smiling.

"Everyone to their rooms! You guys need beauty sleep and I don't trust you out here alone." Mrs. Black laughed.

Nathan carried me bridal style back to the room. He laid me down, walked around the bed, then laid down. I quickly fell back to sleep.


As I woke up the second time, I heard birds chirping and saw the sunlight pouring into the room. Nathan was turned over, still sleeping. I watched him toss and turn a few times before getting comfortable.

I didn't want to disturb him so I laid there with my eyes closed. I felt his arm wrap around me and pulled me closer.

Did I wake him? I didn't move at all, I didn't speak.

He opens his eyes and closes them again. He opened them back up and looked at me. "How'd you sleep?" I ask running my hand through the side of his hair.

"I slept fine, but you kept tossing and turning all night." He says.

He rolls out of bed, "I'm going yo go see if mom's up." He says walking out. He came back in shortly and sat down next to me. "She's not. We're going to sneak out of the house while she's sleeping."

I get up and we quickly make the bed. We made our way out to the car. I still hadn't changed since I had been with him. I reach behind the seat and grab my bag.

I pull out shorts, a tank top, and black flip flops. "Don't look" I tell him as I started to change.

It was hard to change in the car, but I got dressed. I knew he glanced over while I was changing. We drove for a couple of hours before coming to a stop.

Nathan checks his phone, I glanced over and saw that it was 11:36 AM. We got out of the car and walked a long gravel path until we came to a field.

The field was over grown but kind of pretty. Nathan lifts me up onto his back and carries me through the field. There was a little clearing of flowers. He sat me down and I twirled around, looking at the things surrounding us.

The ocean, a lighthouse, this field, and the clouds in the sky. The lighthouse was so cool, I'd never saw one up close like this.

Nathan laughed, "you're cute, I can't believe you weren't allowed to go anywhere while your parents were alive."

Yeah because of you dumb assholes...

"They were just scared of me leaving them." I say.

Nathan walked over to the shore of the ocean, I followed him over. He picked up a rock and dropped it in the water. "I assume you don't know how to swim?" He chuckled.

I shook head no and sat down. I took my shoes off and stuck my feet in the water. I could probably stay I this place forever.

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