Chapter 11

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I knocked at the door when I arrived back. Luke had instantly swung the door open, before he had the chance to even touch me, I backhanded him across the face.

"What the actual hell, Luke?" I scream.

He stood there dumbfoundedly, looking at me. Once I hit him again, he exclaimed an "ow".

"What are you so mad at?" He asks.

"You and your lies! You know the one about your girlfriend? Oh, and don't forget, the one where you are part of a band?" I holler, throwing the poster at him.

"Is that why you left? Just to find out my secret? I was worried and you went out and backstabbed me!" He says raising his voice.

Wow, that fortune cookie was kind of right..

"No I went out to get my haircut, Mr. Prissy! Then I went to a store to get a couple of band tee's and I happened to see the poster! It was accidental, but you have to get so ahead of yourself that you jump to conclusions!" I yell raising my hand.

He grabbed it and my other hand, holding them in one of his huge hands tightly, so I couldn't hit him. It's started to hurt a lot, but I didn't say anything. This happened before with my dad.

My dad had gotten mad at me because I would go around throwing tantrums and punching him or walls. He'd gotten so fed up with it and grabbed my wrists tightly and didn't let go for a good thirty minutes. That had been the last time I hit anyone or anything before today.

"Don't hit me again." He growled in a low voice. He moved his hands to my wrists and squeezed harshly.

I squeaked, he had squeezed harder and stronger than my dad ever did. Luke, realising that he actually hurt me, released his grasp and a somber expression crossed his face.

"N-Nova.. I'm sorry." He says walking towards the door.

I didn't reply to him as he walked out of the hotel room. Outside of the window was the night sky. I stood next to the window for a few minutes before I walked across the room, to the bag of clothes and got my clothes out for a shower.


After I got dressed from my shower, I laid in bed for an hour. I started to get worried that Luke wasn't returning. Sure I was mad at Luke for what he had lied about, but that didn't stop me from caring about him. I got up from the bed and out of the room, making my way down the hall and to the elevator.

I press the button that points down and wait for the elevator to open it's doors. When it did, I walked inside and pressed the button labeled "1". Once again, I grip the bar as the floor feels like it's falling out. As the door opens, I saw Luke holding a couple of Hot Topic bags.

He rushed into the elevator and dropped the bags, embracing me in a tight hug. He lets go and pressed the button to get back to the seventh floor. Tension and silence flew through the elevator and even as we went to the room.

"When are we leaving?" I ask to break the silence.

He takes a seat on the couch, "Depends if you're still going with me."

"What?" I say furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'm giving you an option to leave and go home, wherever that might be, or go with me. Simple."

I sat down on the couch facing him and crossed my legs. "I'm still going. Even though I'm mad at you, doesn't mean I hate you. I don't care about the girl and I don't care about you being in a band. You are a normal nineteen year old to me."

He sat there for a couple of minutes silently before answering, "That girl and I used to date, but she cheated on me. After I ended things with her, she's driven away any girl I've hung out with. There is nothing between us. She just wants a dramatic break-up story."

"I'll trust you on this one, but next lie that escapes your mouth, I will be gone." I say standing up, walking to the room.

I was tired from the eventful day and all the drama that had happened. As I crawled under the blankets and got comfortable, Luke knocked on door frame.

"What?" I ask, exhausted.

He hesitated before asking, "do you still want a sleeping buddy?"

I knew sleeping on the couch was terrible for him, I could've switched and slept on the couch, but I didn't. "Is that your only way of asking to sleep on the bed?"

"It was one of a few." He says.

"Don't hog the bed and you'll be fine." I say with a little giggle.

He smiles, "no promises."

When he climbed under the blankets, I rolled towards him. I tossed one of my legs over him, resting part of my body against his. He placed his hand over my arm, not wanting to disturb me.

It wasn't easy for me to fall asleep, but when I did, it was a blissful sleep.

I had a dream through the course of the night.

** dream **

"Mum?!" I say looking around the ashes of what once was my house. I had forgotten that both my parents were dead.

"Oh well look at the hidden girl! She came back to her crime scene!" A man with a deep voice says.

"Trying to frame us? You can't get away with it, Nova! We will find you and when we do, you will pay for what your parents have done!" A different man screeched.

** dream end **

The dream played over and over in my head until I woke up.

Home / Luke HemmingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora