Chapter 10

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Luke drove around the town until he found a strip of buildings. He then parked on the side of the road, just like several other cars.

"You were quiet the whole ride, Luke. What's wrong?" I asked as he pulls the keys from the ignition.

"What did that girl tell you?" He asks.

"She was talking about how she likes you." I say hoping he'd buy it, so he didn't think it was anything to worry about.

"Most girls do." As soon as the words left his mouth, he bit his lip.

"Don't get full of yourself." I said laughing a little bit.

We got out of the car and walked the block to a Chinese Buffet. It was little on the outside, but as we walk through the doors, it was massive. We were greeted by a petite Chinese girl who took us to our seats.

When the girl asked us what we would like to drink, Luke instantly told the girl 'two waters'. She came back quickly with two waters and two straws. Of course being buffet type of restaurant, we went up to one of the several buffets. He grabbed a plate and I followed what he did.

He grabbed food that looked good to him, so I got food that appealed to me. As I was getting my food, I was thinking about what the girl told me.

I didn't believe her, she didn't know him, only what his pictures say. But how does she know who he is?

"Is it any good Nova?" He had asked, jarring me from my thoughts.

"The food? Yes, yes it is good. This is the first time I've ever had Chinese." I say jumbling up a couple of words.

Luke looked at me confusingly, as he shoved another bite of food in his mouth. I picked around at my food until I was finished. Luke put his plate at the end of the table and so did I. One of the little Chinese women collected our plates, took them to the back, placing them in a large bin. She returned with a little black plastic tray and a paper with two fortune cookies.

Luke handed me a cookie, then took the other for himself. I cracked mine open and read the little paper, it said: "A deep friendship will blossom, leaving you torn in two."

That was deep, what did it mean? These things never have accuracy, right?

Luke laughed at his while I folded mine up and put it in the waistband of my leggings. He stood up and grabbed the little black tray and carried it to the counter in the front. There he paid for our food before we walked out and back to the car.

We didn't get in the car as we got there, we sat on the pavement and leaned against the car.

"Something is one your mind and I know it, Nova." Luke says unlocking his phone, checking his messages.

"It's nothing." I say pulling one of my legs up to rest my arm on.

He pulled up an app that had a little bird on it. He was scrolling through a lot of messages on there. Before I could ask anything, his phone started ringing. Once again, the name on the screen said Ashton.

Luke answered it, but didn't put it on speaker this time. I could faintly hear him on the other end.

"Hey Luke, am on speaker again?" Ashton says grumpily.

"Actually, no you aren't." Luke replies.

"Well good, I got some news about your time at the Aquarium. The girl from the desk, called the paps, and the girl that talked to your little friend Nova, told her your secret."

"What?! Which one?" Luke says getting angry.

"The one about your little crush. But don't worry the girl never found out Nova's name." Ashton laughs.

"Damnit, Ashton! You scared me, I thought you were talking about the thing I don't want her to know!" Luke yelled into the phone.

The last thing I heard before Luke hung up, was Ashton laughter ringing through the phone.

Luke had just confirmed what I did but didn't want. He likes me and everyone knew, except for me. Don't get me wrong, like is the cutest guy ever, but he is my friend and the person that is helping me get to my feet and up to date with the world.

If I was going to keep it secret that knew, I would half to get better at hiding emotions. Luke looked over at me and sighed. "Please don't tell me that you like me." I think in my head.

"Ashton is such a turd." He says standing up. Luke walked to the passenger side door and opened it as I walked around the car.

I sat down in the car, closed the door, and buckled. Luke was still outside of the car, his mouth was moving, indicating that he was talking to himself. After a couple of minutes, he got in the car and he drove back to the hotel.


When we got there, a girl was sitting on the couch. Luke had came in after me.

"Arzalyea?!" Luke says in shock.

"Aw, baby, I thought you'd be happy to see me?" She says standing up and hugging him.

"Who let you in?" He asks pushing her off.

"Well when you are the girlfriend of the famous Luke Hemmings, you can do what you want." She says smirking.

He has a girlfriend?! Why didn't he deem this important to tell me? Famous? Why are you famous Mr. Luke Hemmings?

"I can't believe that you didn't tell this poor girl, you're leading her on, and she didn't know about us!" She says looking at me and right back to Luke.

"We aren't even dating Arzalyea!" Luke hollers.

That's when Arzalyea jumped up and wrapped herself around his body. He wrapped his arms around her, so she didn't fall. Arzalyea grabbed the back of Luke's head and pulled him close. That's when she started to kiss him.

I had to get out of there. I didn't want to see this. I raced down the hall and to the elevator. Honestly, I hated Luke for lying to me. What was I thinking? How could I believe he was a friend.

I had made it to his car, it was unlocked. I popped the trunk of his car and got into my safe. Grabbing about four hundred dollars, I close the safe and the trunk, and make my way out of the parking lot.

I walked around for a while until I found a plaza full of little shops with anything you could imagine. After walking around for a bit, I found a hair salon.

I went in and waited for my turn. It was only forty dollars to get a haircut. Instead of my long hair, I had medium, layered hair. As soon as I paid, I went to the next store I saw.

It was full of band merchandise, like shirts, jewelry, and posters. I liked this place. I was looking through the posters when I saw a band that struck my eye.

"5 Seconds of Summer." I said aloud.

"Yep that's what the teens like now a days." The man at the register says.

"Can I ask one question?"

"That's what I'm here for."

"Who is this guy?" I say pointing at the boy on the poster that looks like Luke.

"Well, that is the lead singer Luke Hemmings." He says.

I find one of the posters in the bin and put it on the counter to buy it. As soon as I buy it, I made my way back to the hotel.

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