Chapter 13

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It was about six thirty when we got dressed to go to the party. Luke got dressed in his outfit, then fixed mine like he did earlier. I braided my hair in a fishtail and pulled it to the side.

This was going to be my first ever party. Of course I don't know how to party, but there's no wrong way, right?

Luke and I walked to the elevator and down to the main lobby. After a little debate with himself, Luke decided that he wasn't going to pay for a taxi or an Uber.

It was a forty-five minute drive to get there. It was about 7:15 when we got there. Luke cut the engine off and turned to me. "The guys name is Nathan Black. Arzaylea was his friend, so she might be here."

I snarl, "I don't want her to be." That was a half truth. I needed to ask Arzaylea how she knew and what else she knows.

Luke got out of the car and opened my door. He wraps his arm around my waist as we walk into the building. Hoots and hollers and yells with Luke's name came from the people who were there already.

Luke walks me over to where there was a bar like thing, just like the one I had at my house. He then walked away and started talking to people. I sat alone for what seemed like thirty minutes before someone came and sat next to me.

"Can I get you a drink?" A brunette boy asked me.

"I don't drink." I say turning to face the boy.

"Well I'll just get you a water then." He gets up, gets the water, and brings it back to me.

"Thank you." I say giving him a small smile.

"I'm Nathan Black, by the way. Who are you here with?" He asks extending his arm to shake my hand.

I shake his hand replying, "I'm here with Luke."

"You're that girl? Oh my gosh! Did he really cheat? And did you actually... You know.... With him?" Nathan awkwardly asked.

"You're trying to ask if Luke and I had sex? No, we didn't." I say.

I didn't see Luke anywhere. Nathan rested his hand on my inner thigh, which made me squirm a little and my heart to start racing. I excused myself to use the bathroom.

I stared in the mirror and sighed. Luke was supposed to be with me, where is he? I don't like this friend of his.

I walked out and saw Nathan standing in front of the door. "Can I take you out to the balcony?"

Stupidly, I said yes to him. He took my hand and led me to the balcony. It was silent out there. The view was breath taking, it was over a sparkling lake. Some people were actually swimming in it.

Nathan tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and traced my jawline. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him. I look up at his, towering frame, I was scared of what he'd do next, but I was frozen.

He moved his hand lower, to my butt, and squeezed harshly. I pushed him a little bit, but his grip tightened around me. Nathan leaned down, bringing his free hand to cup my face, just as he crashed his lips into mine.

As I tried multiple times to push him away, his grip got tighter and tighter. I didn't give in to the kisses, I only stood there. My heart was racing, I couldn't help but to think about Luke still.

Nathan ran a trail of tender kisses down the left side of my neck. He stopped for a second before biting and sucking a little on my neck in a few different places. I let out a little moan and he stopped, staring at me.

"I knew you liked it, I was just waiting." He says cockily while touching the part of my neck he just violated.

I elbowed him in the gut and pushed him away. I walked through the doors and down hallways and finally found another bathroom. I looked at my neck through the mirror and saw the hickeys that Nathan had put on me.

I let my hair down and ran my hands through it a few times and let my hair cover my neck. Opening the door, I stepped out in the hallway and listen for the rest of the people.

I followed the laughter until I found myself back near the bar. Someone grabbed my arm and I jumped thinking it was Nathan.

"Calm down Nova, it's just me." His familiar voice rang through the air.

"Luke!" I say wrapping my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me, returning a hug.

He let's go and lifts my chin with his finger, "Nova, what happened? You look like a deer caught in headlights."

"We need to go." I reply moving his hand.

"Here's the keys to the car, I'm going to say good-bye to Nathan real quick. I promise I won't be long." He says handing me the keys.

I take his keys and head out to the car. As soon as I got in the car, I locked it and watched for Luke. It was about ten minutes later when he came out. He was walking with another person.

I unlocked the car as they approached. No surprises on who had walked out with him.

"Nova, this is Nathan." Luke says waving me to get out of the car.

"Hi, Nathan." I say stepping out of the car once again. I felt squeamish around him, but Luke didn't seem to notice.

"I hope you had fun at the party." Nathan said winking.

Luke smiled and waved him goodbye as we both get into the car and drive away. We had only been there for an hour and a half, but it was one of the worst times I've ever had.


As we made our way down the hallway of the hotel and to our room, I was thinking of how to tell Luke what had happened at the party. I could only think about how mad he would be.

Luke waved a hand in front of my face, "You've been quiet the whole time." He says swiping the card for our hotel room.

I still didn't say anything as I went to the bedroom, turned out the lights, and laid down. Luke was still in the other room as his phone started to ring.

I listened to his conversation, "Arzaylea?.. What do you want now?... You want to talk to Nova?.. Well she just laid down to sleep.."

I got out of bed and made sure my hair covered the spots on my neck. "I'm not sleeping yet." I say.

Luke hands me the phone. "Arzaylea. I'm glad to hear from you."

"I'm in the hallway, we need to talk. I'll take you to my room." She says nervously before I hear the line click off.

I hand him his phone back and go to the door.

"Where are you going, Nova?" Luke asks stepping in front of the door so I couldn't open it.

"She wants to speak with me. I'll be fine." I say trying to push him away from the door.

"Nova, please." He says biting his lip, "Don't go. What if you get hurt?"

"Damnit, Luke, you're right. I'll meet you in the room. I forgot to change anyway." I say.

He starts walking away an I quickly open the door and step out. To the left of me was Arzaylea. She was a couple doors down, she pulled her card out and swiped. I walked swiftly to her room and ducked inside, just as I saw the door to mine and Luke's room open.

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