Chapter 27

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My heart beat fast, nervousness ran through my veins. I was about to do it. I was about to be my own person.

Turn around Nova, you're going the wrong way. Go. Go be with Luke. He is your home. I thought to myself.

I couldn't turn back now, I needed to go.

I really, really needed to.

Without another thought, I turned around and walked out the exit. As I scanned the airport, I didn't see him.

"He headed that way ma'am. Better go catch him." The ticket lady said with a wink.

I smiled and thanked her, running in the direction she pointed in. I kept scanning the area for him, had he already left? Slowing down into a fast walk, I turned my head to look behind me.

Something stopped me from moving any further, I had ran into a person, "Damnit, my coffee, do you mind?" The guy whips around yelling in my face.

"Sorry" I squeaked.

"You had better be sorry. Dumb ass people these days." He says throwing his coffee cup in the trash can.

Noticing some empty chairs, I took a seat to take a break. Someone sneezed close by, "bless you!" I yelled, looking down at the table.

"Thank you!" They yell back. My head perked up, their voice was so familiar.

Looking around, I saw him. "Luke!" He didn't hear me.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled his name again, this time he looked up, but didn't know where it came from. This time I walked over to him. "Uhm... how about that flight?"

"I was dropping a good friend of mine off. Autograph?" He says, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"God, Luke. I can remember your voice, but you don't remember mine?" I giggle.

He spun around in his chair, pulling me close to him. "Nova!" He kissed my cheek. "I thought you actually left me. What changed your mind?"

"You did. You're my home, Luke." I say taking his face in my hands, placing a kiss on his lips. He was taken by surprise, but kissed back immediately.

There was some clapping around us, pulled away, my face growing warm. Luke chuckled, "don't be bashful, love."

Covering my face, I blush harder, "can we go to a park or something?"

He smiled brightly, "yes of course."


As soon as we got to the park, we dashed to the swing sets and started to swing on them. After a few moments, Luke stopped his swing. "Let's walk for a little." He says grabbing one side of my swing, causing me to twist and turn uncontrollably.

He held my hand as we walked. There was barely any people at this park. I'd seen an elderly couple feeding birds, a young couple pushing a stroller, and a group of people celebrating a little girl's seventh birthday.

"Luke, I have a question." I state breaking the silence, leading him on to a dock.

He hugged me from behind, cradling his head in my neck. "Okay? Go for it." He says.

"Where did you go last night?" I say hugging my arms around his.

"Not gonna lie.. I went out for a drink and then there was this girl. We-" Luke said, but I cut him off.

"God, Luke, I can't believe that for a second -" I say, he cuts me off.

"Shut up for a second and quit jumping to conclusions," he chuckles, "I was going to say that we talked about you and she helped me feel better about you leaving."

"Lead with that next time!" I stated while slapping his arm.

He leans down, brushing his lips against mine, "AHH!" He screams causing me to jump and scream. "Let's go back to the boys?"

I wrinkle my face, "Let's, uhh, get some ice cream for them." I say. Luke agreed.


The boys were overjoyed to see me back at the house. Micheal has placed a bet that I would be coming back, so Calum and Ashton owed him one hundred dollars.

Luke put the ice cream in the freezer and walked over to me. He bit his lip and bent down. Next thing I knew, I was hanging over his shoulder.

"Luuke!! Put me down!" I say giggling and patting his back. He walked swiftly to the living room, setting me down. "Thank you."

"You wish." He says laughing, grabbing at my sides. I dropped down to the ground and he straddled me, still tickling me.

I was squirming and laughing, the other three came over and helped tickle me. "Quit. I'm going to piss myself." I say between laughs.

They stopped, Luke leaned over and kissed me. I kissed back and giggled at the boys reactions.

I could get used to this. I found my home and I have four people who care so much for me. You're doing something right in life, Nova.

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