Chapter 25

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We stopped at the store for food to cook for lunch and dinner. For lunch, we decided on making sub sandwiches, as for dinner, we were going to have spaghetti and meatballs.

It was around 3 p.m. when we had gotten back to the hotel and made our sandwiches. Before we sat down to eat, Luke went to the room a grabbed his phone.

The moment he turned it on, all his notifications swarmed the screen, his phone buzzing. I laugh a little, causing him to smile. As he answered his text messages, I practically scarfed down my sandwich.

He looked at me and chuckled. "A little hungry are you?"

"Well, of course." I giggle a little.



Two weeks later, we were in Florida getting settled into the house. Luke took my belongings to the room that I would be staying in. The room was huge! It was a soft blue color, there was a huge bed in the middle of the room, a bay window, closet, dresser, and my own bathroom.

Luke sat my stuff on the bed. "Thank you so much Luke." I say hugging him before he left the room. I felt the stitches and went to the bathroom. I needed something sharp to cut the stitches. There wasn't anything in there, so I searched for Luke.

I walked down the hall and checked all the doors, nothing and no one. Something rustled in the kitchen. Cautiously, I walk into there to see what it was. "Ah! Luke, I was looking for you!"

He let out a little noise, not looking up from his phone. Instead of asking his help, I scanned the room. There was a pair of scissors right next to him. "Never mind." I say grabbing the scissors and rushing back to my room.

I wanted them out. It had been two weeks, it was safe. Parting my hair, I take my free hand and snip the stitches one by one. When I pulled them out it felt so weird.

"Nova, what did you need?" Luke asks from the other side of the door, causing me to jump.

"Shit, Luke! You scared me." I say opening the door, handing the scissors to him. "Don't worry, I got them out."

"Your stitches?"

"Yes, of course." I say, walking over to my bag to get clothes out for a shower.

When Luke left the room, I went into my bathroom and started my shower. It felt like forever since I had a shower, but it had only been about two days.

Luke's been kind of weird the past couple of days. Does he know I'm not staying? Is he worried that the boys will be weird about me being here? Maybe he's just nervous about my decision?

I turned off the water and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around my body. Quickly, I got dressed so I could go meet his friends.

No sooner than I left my bathroom, there stood Luke. He gave me a look that asked if I was ready to meet them. Smiling, I walk over to him and hugged him.

Boy, I will miss him so much.

We snuck into the kitchen without the other guys noticing. Luke walked to the doorway, "Are you guys ready?"

"We've been waiting a month to meet your girlfriend!" one of them says while laughing.

Someone else chuckles, "they're not dating. Remember?"

Luke laughs, "Nova, come here."

I emerge slowly from behind the wall, waving awkwardly. Luke pulls me into the living room a little. The three boys rushed over and each of them gave me a hug.

"I'm Ashton. The best. The drummer. The most important." Ashton says.

"Uhm actually. The bassist is the most important. I'm Calum. Luke's favorite, sorry." he says.

"I'm Michael, Luke's actual favorite. But, pizza is actually all that I want." he gives me another hug.

"Let me guess? Pepperoni?" I say nudging him.

"You're a sorcerer!!" he exclaims running around.

I giggled looking at Luke out of the corner of my eye, he had a huge smile on his face.

I needed to tell them all so they wouldn't get their hopes up. I mean, they did have the right to know.

"Nova, there was mail for you, it's in your nightstand." Ashton says waving for me to go see.

Luke made eye contact with me and started for my room. He probably already knew what it was. Was it my ticket? I started after Luke "it's my mail!"

I heard the boys chuckle as I rounded into the room. Picking the letter out of the drawer, he handed it to me. "Nova, you already know what it is and you can leave whenever, but I want you to stay."

"Luke.. I can't stay. I have to go and live life to my fullest, not be catered for the rest of my life." I say setting it on the bed.

His lips parted as he stared at me as if he were going to say something. Instead he pulled me into a tight hug. "You don't understand how much you mean to me." He sighed.

"Goodnight, Luke. I'm leaving tomorrow." I say releasing from the hug and showing him out of the room. As I laid down there was a door slam and an engine racing.

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