Chapter 8

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Luke was on my right side shaking me. I open my eyes just a bit to see that we were stopped at what I think is a gas station. Luke shakes just a little more, "Nov-"

"Shh! Don't call me that name." I said.

"Well come on, you can come in." He says confused.

I guess I had been sleeping for a couple hours. I got out of the car sluggishly and walked in with him. Luke walked quicker than me with long strides.

There weren't many people in there but I could sense that they were taking pictures. I was honestly kind of scared being in the gas station. Luke stopped and I did too; he nudged me and told me to pick out something to drink.

I chose to get a white Gatorade, he chose to get a water. After grabbing a few snacks, Luke paid for them and we back on the road again. It wasn't too long before Luke's phone started ringing. It was Ashton again.

"Can you answer it and put it on speaker phone?" Luke asked.

"Yo, Luke, what's happening?" He said.

"Nothing, just driving." Luke replied.

"Well this is kind of important.." Ashton trails off.

"Can you make it quick? I have five more hours of driving to do." Luke said sighing.

"Well, people are getting quite bitter on Twitter about that girl." He said.

Luke snatched the phone and hung up on Ashton. He gripped the steering wheel, focusing only on the road. After about thirty minutes, we started to talk and laugh about random things.

The next five hours were full of conversation and watching the trees and other cars pass by.

We slowed down and took a right turn. He drove for five minutes before he took a left turn into a parking lot of a hotel. The hotel was gigantic! Sure I have seen them in the textbooks, but seeing them in person is way different. I like seeing new things, people, and pretty much anything.

"Stay in the car while I get us a room, okay?" He says opening the door.

I watched his tall figure disappear into the darkness, but reappearing when he entered the hotel. After a few minutes I see him emerge from the hotel. Luke made his way over to the car and opened my door. He hit the button that popped the trunk as we walked towards it.

"Only get enough clothes for a few days. After all, you don't want to take all of our bags in." He says.

He pulled out his bag and pulled out two outfits. He then pulled out my bag for me so I could pick out my two outfits. He pulled out another bag and placed both of our clothes in it.

Luke zipped the bag up and slung it over his right shoulder. He then reached his arm up and closed the trunk lid. We walked through the doors and down the long hallway. Reaching the end, there were metal doors. I recognized them from my textbooks, they were elevator doors.

"We are all the way up on the 7th floor." Luke says pressing a button that had an arrow pointing up.

When the doors slid open, there was a family consisting of two parent, two teenage girls, two children under ten, and a baby. I didn't want to get in the elevator with seven other people, but Luke grabbed my hand a pulled me along.

I frowned as the metal doors close. Luke presses the button labelled '7', the parents let out a sigh. The elevator shook as it started going up, it made me a little queasy. I didn't realize until it stopped, that I had been clenching on to Luke's hand.

I looked up and met his eyes, giving a small smile, I drop his hand as the doors open. The family walked out of the elevator before us, they went straight. We went straight as well.

"Our room number is 348." Luke says pulling a card from his back pocket.

"What is that?" I asked. I could still see the family in front of us. The two brunette teenage girls had their phones out taking pictures. I had no doubt that they had taken pictures of me and Luke.

"Did you hear me?" Luke asks. I shake my head no and he gives a little laugh. "I said, this is the key card for our room."

I didn't reply, I only thought. Why would random people want pictures with Luke? And why were they taking pictures of us? I know Luke won't tell me though. What if I could get his phone and look up on the internet?

"Ah! Here it is!" Luke says inserting the card into the slot on the door.

He slung the bag off his shoulder​ and on to the chair. He then sighed, taking a look around the place. There was two doors, a mini fridge, couch, the chair that he threw the bag on, telly, table, and four wooden chairs.

I walked the first door and opened it, it was the bathroom. That would mean the other door was the bedroom. Luke had opened it and, sure enough, it was.

As 11:30 pm rolled around, Luke had worked his way to the bathroom and started his shower. I walked into where the couch was and laid down, but I wasn't going to sleep, I wasn't tired at all. I was listening to the water and how it hits the floor, it has always been a fascination of mine.

I can remember when I was little and mum and dad would be taking a shower, I would sit outside the door and listen. When they would walk out of the bathroom, they would be so confused. I would always laugh and run around the house after that.

Luke walked out of the bathroom in only his black boxers. He lifted my feet, sat down, and placed my feet down. I eased my was into a sitting position, avoiding hurting Luke.

"I'm going to sleep on the couch." He says stretching his legs out.

"No you aren't. I won't allow it." I say.

He pulls out his phone and starts scrolling. "Oh well, I'm not going to move."

I sigh while standing up and walking to the bedroom. "If you need me don't be afraid to come out and get me." Luke says from his place on the couch.


I woke up out of nowhere, it was still dark out, and Luke was passed out on the couch. I walk over to him and pick his phone up in search of what time it was. The time on his phone said 3 AM.

I made my way back to the bedroom to fall back asleep. As I laid there, I heard things moving all around me, but it wasn't in the room. There was rattling from outside the building, it scared me.

After laying there being terrified for awhile, I get up and move around again. I make my way to the door and open it. The light from the hallway shined​ in on the room.

"Nova? What are you doing?" Luke asks in a raspy voice.

"I couldn't sleep. So I was going to take a walk around the building." I say with the door still open.

"Close the door, don't go out there. You won't have a way back in." He says. I close the door as Luke sits up. "Come on, I'll help you sleep."

I follow him into the room and lay down on the bed, getting under the blankets. Luke sat down next to me and has me lay on my stomach. He then removed the blankets that covered my back and began to massage my back.

"The last time I had a back massage was when I was 10." I say out loud.

"Really?" Luke said with a surprised tone.

"Yeah. My mum and dad were arguing about bills and where all the money went to. My mum saw that I heard most of it. She took me upstairs to my and gave me a back massage to help me sleep."

I felt myself dozing off and on. Luke had slowly gotten off the bed and made his way to the door. "Luke?"

"Yes Nova?" He answers. He was probably like: 'oh my! She's not sleeping​?'

"Don't sleep on the couch, sleep in here." I say turning to face the doorway.

"No, I can't and won't."

"Sleeping on the couch isn't good for you." I say.

"Nova! I said I can't and won't!" He hollered walking out of the room. I quickly got up and locked the door, then I laid back down. It didn't take me long to fall back to sleep.

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