Chapter 26

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I looked at the clock: 11:00AM

Half asleep, I yelled, "it's unlocked"

I felt someone lay down next to me, opening my eyes I saw it was Luke. He opened his arms for me to cuddle into him. I just waved for him move over to me and he did.

I would miss this, having someone to hold. Someone to hold me. Somebody who actually cared. He actually meant something to me. Why are you so stupid Nova?

"When do you plan on leaving?" He asks to break the silence.

"When I decide to get out of bed and eat." I say, my eyes still closed.

"Why so soon?"

"Because if I wait then I'll never leave."

"Then wait" he says, you could practically hear the smirk on his face.

Rolling out of the bed, I got out the clothes I was going to wear and changed in the bathroom.

Luke wasn't in there anymore. Walking out to the kitchen, I see all of the boys attempting to cook pancakes. I laugh, "you boys need some help?"

They held whatever they had in their hands and said, in unison, "uhh. yes please."

"Was it from scratch?"

"Wonderful, get me the recipe." I said scraping their batter into the trash. They handed me the recipe and the ingredients. In less than thirty minutes, pancakes were cooked and served.

They all thanked me for making them. "You could be, like, the den mother." Michael says, taking a bite of his food.

Luke chuckled a little and nudges me, "see another reason to stay."

"Reason to stay?" Calum says making air quotes with his fingers, "what on Earth do you mean?"

"Tell them Nova, darling." Luke says, irritably.

After scarfing down the rest of my food and taking care of my plate, I glare at Luke and say, "I'm leaving here in a few minutes."

Not letting the three respond to what I said, I walked to my room and got me thing ready to leave. Luke walked in at the last moment. He walked across the room and picked up my bags, walking out.

I watched him walk out to the car, put my bags in there, and walk back into the house. He knocked lightly on the door frame, leaning against it. "Are you ready to go, love?"

Grabbing my ticket, I nodded walking by him. I hugged each of the boys goodbye, except for Luke. He had already gotten to the car and opened the passenger door. Once I sat down, he closed it and got into the drivers side. The engine roared to life and we were off to the airport.


Forty minutes later, we were at the airport. My stomach was turning. Luke didn't look happy either.

He got out of the car and opened my door. We grabbed my bags and entered the airport. We waited in line until it was my turn to give my ticket.

Luke embraces me and whispers, "Don't do this to me Nova." I just hugged him tighter.

I want to go.
I want to go.
I want to go.

"Ahem. Ma'am? Your ticket?" The ticket lady asks, annoyed.

I handed it to her and grabbed my bags, I looked at Luke, "Don't look back." He says.

"I won't." I say picking up my bags and walking through the entrance to the airplane.

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