8- Watch Me

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Sasuke's susanoo is activated. Naruto is in sage mode. Kakashi Hatake uses his opponents' own techniques against them. Lady Tsunade pounds her victims into the ground. Sakura has her byakagou activated and is in regenerate mode, thanks to both her byakagou and Kinryu.

They're winning the war. That is, until the Akatsuki pulls their final move. The Ten Tails. Half of the Allied Troops are wiped out.

"Shit! Why can't I revive them?!" Sakura frantically whispers.

I, unfortunately, have a cooldown on that.

Why didn't you fucking tell me?! How long will it take?

Roughly seven, eight hours. You've been fighting for five.

Fuck! I won't be able to revive them!

"Ahhhh.... Sakura Haruno." An all too familiar voice says from behind her, and she shudders, tightening her fists. Immediately, Sasuke and Naruto are on either side of her.

"How the fuck are you alive, Sasori?" She snarls, turning to face him.

"Kabuto's jutsu; Summoning: Impure World Reincarnation." He responds, and chills run down her back at that name. He was the medic ninja that helped Orochimaru and Sasuke-kun. "You ready for round two?" He smirks.

"Sakura-chan, no." Naruto whispers.

"Oh, hell yeah. I'll whip your ass like I did last time." She determinedly responds, standing tall and proud and taking a step in front of her teammates.

"Sakura, wait-" Sasuke starts, but Sakura interrupts him.

"Someone with outstanding evasive moves is needed to defeat this opponent. You two do not have the skill to face him." She says, then smiles. "Watch me this time."

She makes the first move, hitting Sasori's wooden body and sending him flying. Suddenly, Sasori summons his Red Secret: Performance of 100 Puppets.

"Eager now, are we?" She says, causing Sasori to smirk.

"I'd say that you are. You still have one hell of a punch."

"Thanks." The pink haired kunoichi responds, her eyes flashing from red to green then back again.

"So you're the 13 tails. Show me what you got." He says.

"Gladly. Riu, you know what to do." She smirks.

Of course. Your chakra is ready.

Immediately, thirteen dragons stand by her side, and Sakura stands in the middle, all of their powers given to her.

Sui Riu- rain dragon, when in pain causes poison blood rain. Can manipulate blood.

Han Riu- striped with 9 different colors and forty feet long. The elemental dragon.

Ka Riu- a lot smaller than Han with scales a scarlet, fiery red. Said to possess the most powerful flame.

Ri Riu- has enhanced senses- smell, hearing, eyesight.

Fuku Riu- has good luck and extremely powerful skill with a blade.

Kinryu- the golden dragon; can heal and revive, has the most chakra.

O Goncho- white dragon that feasts on the blood, bones, and flesh of the victims it kills with a certain type of genjutsu. Do not look at his eyes when they flash red instead of black.

Uwibami- almost as evil as Han and O, but not nearly. Snatches his victims and devours them, using wind techniques.

Gyo- an earth dragon that looks cute but will destroy you.

Light From Dark {A Sakura Haruno/ Sasusaku Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now