15-After the War

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"Thanks, Han and Gyo. I owe you guys." The pinkette says, going up to them both and rubbing the spot in between their eyes. They both purr.

It's our pleasure.

You don't owe us anything. Gyo adds.

"Nonsense. When we get back, I'll let all of you roam around for a bit. I promise." The pinkette replies. Both dragons nod their heads. "We'll take it from here. Thanks again." Sakura says, walking to Han's back and helping Sasuke off. She slings his one remaining arm over her shoulder and starts walking to Konoha's tent, Kakashi doing the same to Naruto. She stumbles a bit, her injuries and severe depletion of chakra affecting her, yet she pushes on. Her teammate notices this.

"Sakura, its fine. I can walk." The raven says.

"No. I got this. You shouldn't be walking right now. I have enough energy to get us there." The pinkette replies, pushing through the pain. They walk on in silence until someone yells, "It's Team Seven!" A squad of medics rush towards the group, Tsunade and the rest of Konoha 11 right behind them. The medics take Sasuke and Naruto away and Sakura falls to the ground, exhausted and eyes closing.

"Sakura!" Ino and Tsunade yell, immediately rushing to the pinkette's side. The hokage's hands light up green as she pumps chakra into her students' body, trying to find the problem. Her eyes widen as she discovers the issue, then soften in respect at her student. "She's alright. Her chakra levels are completely depleted and she has some minor injuries, but she's fine." The blonde woman carefully picks up the pinkette and the group heads back to their tents.


Sakura yawns, stretching.

"You're awake."

Sakura' eyes immediately dart to the person and relaxes upon realizing it is none other than her teacher.


Tsunade smiles, hands lighting up as she pumps chakra into Sakura's system. "Tell me... how were you running past empty on chakra, yet still managed to summon two dragons that carried four people at least a hundred miles. Not to mention the fact that you healed Naruto and Sasuke almost completely."

"You already know the answer, Shishou." The pinkette replies.

Her teacher pauses, then nods her head. "I do. I'm proud of you, Sakura. You've really proven yourself." She ruffles her apprentices' hair in affection.

The pinkette blushes, smiling. After a minute, she decides to speak, noticing that she is not in a tent, but rather a hospital room. "How long was I out for?"

"Three weeks." Her teacher responds, and the pinkette's eyes widen.

"Really?! Are there any more people for me to heal? I need to do something! I can't believe I've been unconscious for so long!" The pinkette yells, grabbing her hair and rocking back and forth.

"Sakura. I'm giving you the week off, relax." Her sensei says.

"No! I've got to get to work right away!" Sakura says, throwing the sheets off of her and standing up.

Tsunade smiles. "You're definitely my student. Come back tonight and we'll figure something out."

"Hai!" Sakura replies, heading to the window and jumping out, then running towards her apartment to change and get ready.


After getting showered and changed, the pinkette makes a sandwich, grabs her gloves, and heads out the door. She arrives at the training grounds minutes later.

Light From Dark {A Sakura Haruno/ Sasusaku Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now