11- The Plan--- (Part 1)

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Sakura's eyes widen once she realizes the state of the division. I have to-

No! Ri yells inside her head, and she drops Obito.

Ri, the division is almost dead. We have to do something!

Sakura, we can not waste it!

When else are we going to use it?!

It will only take more chakra that you do not have!

Then I shall meditate!

... Fine. I shall combine my powers with you. You shall gain more speed, agility, hearing and sight, and absurd swordsmanship, along with my chakra to complete the jutsu.

Hai! Let's do this, SHANNAROO! Her seal starts to glow white.

"Revive!" She yells, and suddenly all the dead ninja stand up as if nothing has happened. Sakura slumps to the ground in exhaustion, but smiles as a sword emerges in her hand.

The Seven-Branched Sword... I thought it was just a myth.

It's the most powerful one in existence, and now I shall give it to you. Fuku says.

Thanks, Fuku!

She stands up, but just as she is about to do so, a hand grabs her ankle. "What the hell?!" Sakura yells, trying to kick him off. "Get off me!"

"Sakura!" Kakashi yells, tackling him and throwing him to the side. "I got this!"

"Hai!" She replies, full confidence in him. She turns back to Madara Uchiha and stands beside her exhausted teammates, who are using both of their jutsus while she stands there with a sword. Their eyes widen in surprise, probably as this is most likely suicide for her.

"Hahahahahahahaha... what is a little girl like you going to do?" He bursts into laughter.

Sakura, upset, disappears and reappears behind him, ready to strike. "Don't underestmate me, SHANNAROO!" She yells, bringing the sword down. He just narrowly dodges. He throws a counterattack, but she blocks it with her blade. And then his eyes widen in fear.

"Y-you're... that sword... those eyes... you can't be..?"

"The 13th tailed beast. And I shall defeat you, with just one tail shannaroo!"

"Just one tail?" Naruto mutters.

"Then I shall do this." Suddenly, Sasuke's eyes widen in shock. "Eternal Mangekyo Sharinigan!"

Shit! Ri and Sakura yell, and Sakura puts her blade in front of her, closing her eyes.

"You can open your eyes, now." Sasuke says from beside her.

She does as so, and realizes that her, Naruto and Sasuke are protected by his Susanoo. "What's going on?"

"He's creating an illusion." Sasuke responds.

"And we can't attack him?!" Naruto exclaims.

"If you want to die, go on ahead, Dobe." Sasuke responds. The two bicker and Sakura sits down on the ground, crisscross with her hands in the air, meditating.

Ri, anything?

Sui, Han, and Ka are ready to fight.


The enemy seems to be creating a fake world and catching people in an illusion. We must do something to stop it.

Let me regain my chakra.

"- Sakura-chan will agree with me, right, Sakura-chan?!" Naruto yells.

"What?" I ask, opening an eye.

"I'm the best ninja!"

"Baka." She rolls her eyes and Sasuke smirks. "We're in the middle of a war and that's all you're thinking?"

"That's right, dattebayo!"

Hmmm.... what if we created an illusion so that Naruto could land a rasenegan on Madara?

Ahhhhhh.... it might just work. If you use Han's genjutsu technique, it might just work.

"YES!" Sakura yells, causing her two teammates to look at her in confusion. "I got it! Let me heal you two while I tell you the plan."

"Arigato, Sakura-chan." Naruto responds as she heals him.

"If we use Han, we'll be sure to wipe out his genjutsu."

"Who's Han?" Naruto asks.

"One of my tails. He's an elemental dragon but his strongest field is genjutsu." Sakura responds.

"And just how much chakra will that use up?" Sasuke suddenly asks, and Sakura thinks, suddenly caught off guard.

"About half of what I have left, which is half of my normal chakra."

"Will you be able to beat him? Otherwise we wait and regain our chakra."

"Yes. Although we should wait a little bit longer so we can regain our chakra and confuse the enemy." Sakura replies, and the two nod. "And Naruto, when I get him in the genjutsu, use your rasenegan."

"Hai!" He responds. The three sit down and meditate, the whole while Sakura talking to her tailed beast.

Han... will I be able to control your genjutsu?

Yes, child. With the level of your chakra control, it should be easy. However, there is a cost upon using the genjutsu.

Really?! What is it?

Your eyes will bleed, and you cannot heal it. This genjutsu is like Susanoo's host. The concept is to confuse the enemy through twisting their fears.


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