Chapter Nine

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The bus arrives at the side street and slowly opens its doors. I jump out of my seat and walk to the exit. As I walk down the street I hear a faint yelp.

I turn my head to see this alleyway. I shrug my shoulders and continued to walk. As I'm a couple feet away I hear it again but this time it's closer. It's like someone or something wants me to help them. I twist my head around to see this little girl running towards me.

She leaps into my arms and whispers "help me".

Just then these two boys run out of the alleyway and call her name I guess.


She looks at me with tears filling her eyes so I decided to help her. The boys started to walk over and Beckett quickly jumps behind me.

"There you are Beckett" one of them says in a soft tone.

"Go away" I scream.

They both stare at me angrily.

"Listen you Beckett is coming with us whether you like it or not".

I look at Beckett with a worried look and she starts shaking her head at me that's when I realise the bruises on her arms and face. Were they beating her?

I turn back to them and growl "get away from us".

I quickly turn around and grab Beckett by the hand and run.

The boys run after us, but I soon lost them when we hid behind a strawberry bush outside my house.

I peek though the leaves of the bush to see that they were gone. I quickly turn to where Beckett was sitting and started to pant.

"Are you ok" I ask.

She looks at me with a smile and nods.

"Thank you".

I'm fine जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें