❝Run, Barry, RUN!❞
❝Life is locomotion. If you're not moving, you're not living. But there comes a time when you've got to stop running from things, and you've got to start running towards something. You've got to forge ahead. Keep moving, even if...
A/N: The following contains scenes from episode: Borrowing Problems From The Future. This part is also very long, so skip around if you want. 😉
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I usually sleep well, not right now I'm not. My dream, vision or whatever it is, is definitely the future.
I can see Savitar about to stab Iris right through the back. I can hear Barry yelling, I was about to teleport, but the ear splitting sound of metal being unsheathed fills my ears. I end up landing short of Iris's dead body, with Barry cradling her. I had failed. I didn't die, she did. Then I hear a blade come down, just barely missing my head, I turn, but the next weapon stroke from Savitar goes right into me.
I sit up straight in my bed, and pant like I just ran a marathon. "The future's been altered," I gasp out. "Iris dies instead of me... But then I got..." I can't finish my thought. I rather I died than Iris, but the fact that both of us might end up dead, isn't settling well.
I fumble around for my phone, on my nightstand. I scroll until I get to Barry's number. It rings.
"Hi, Barry, it's Sky. I need to talk to you about something."
"You saw Iris die, and then Savitar killed you after her?" Barry asks, his eyes filled with fear.
I nod slowly.
Barry exhales, and rubs his face. "Okay, that's not going to help me get rid of my nightmares."
"You're been getting nightmares?" I ask.
"Yeah, about you getting killed, and then Iris followed after that, and..." Barry's expression becomes very pained. "I can't loose you Sky."
"You won't. Iris isn't dying either, no one is going to suffer," I promise. "You want to tell the rest of the team about this?"
"I think they can wait just a little longer," Barry murmurs.
"How long are you willing to have those nightmares?"
Barry's green eyes focus on me. He doesn't say anything for a moment. "When you kissed me on the roof of that building, and the lightning storm came in, what were you thinking?"
I stare at him, and then pick up my vibrating phone off the table. "That's Cisco," I said, looking down at a text message. "There's a fire."
"Okay," Barry answers, "I'm taking Wally with me, so he can shadow. You want to come?"
"I think I'm good. Its better that Wally has time to learn from you, than me being there. But I'll be hanging out with the others at STAR Labs, when you get back."