16- Dead Girl Walking

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Based Off the Episode: Untouchable

"This guy turns people to ash?" I raise my eyebrows at Wally

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"This guy turns people to ash?" I raise my eyebrows at Wally.
We're in a hallway in STAR Labs.

"Yes. At least, that's what Caitlin and Cisco told me."

"So, this person is out there, and you're going to get coffee with Iris, Barry, Joe, and two other people. While this guy, whom has a death wish for Joe, is running around and might potentially kill him; you're doing that?"

"Yeah... not the best idea," Wally scratches his head.

"Want me to go find him, for you, so you can somewhat have your guard slightly down?" I walk over to the elevator door.

"No, its okay, Sky. You don't have to. I can handle it. Remember? I almost beat Barry."

"Well, you still can't faze yet. Until that happens, and you can faze through a wall, then I will step out of your way, and hand you the reins." I smile gently at him. "I'll do my best, and then when it all goes south, then you get a shot." I tease.

"So I can clean up after you?" Wally laughs.

"No, that's my job," Barry walks up to us. "I usually do most of the heavy lifting."

"That is a lie," I simper. "I'm the one to keep you on your feet."

"Really?" Barry smirks.

"That's right. And shouldn't you guys get going? You don't want to keep them waiting."

"Yeah," Wally says. Then he gets a glint of mischief in his eye. "Race you," he tells Barry.

"You can't beat me without fazing, yet. But okay," Barry shrugs.
Then the two speedsters take off.

I grin, and then go to the main control room. 

"I want to track the guy that turns people to ash," I announce.

Julian eyes me, "you do know that's impossible. You can't turn him in without touching him."

"Yes, thank you Captain Obvious. But that does not mean I can't try."

"We don't have a tracker on him," Cisco points out. "Though we do know that his name is Clive Yorkin."

"We're sending a picture of him to Barry right now," Caitlin says.

"Great, I'll check around Jitters and see if he's around," I said.

"Why would you think he's around Jitters?" Cisco asks.

"Just a hunch," I reply, and then I teleport.


"Okay, what does he look like again?" I touch my index finger to my earpiece.

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