Morning fright

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- Your view -
{Everything hurts. The last thing I remember was... that terrible... thing. My stomach hurts the most. I... couldn't breathe before, I felt like I was being crushed by something. But now...}

I slowly open my eyes, all I could feel was the pain in my stomach. I look up slightly at something that was laying next to me... I stared at it for a while before realising that it was Wilson. { W Wilson? ... I Is that... y you? } I wanted to say, however I couldn't because instead of talking to him I shoved my face into his chest, I could feel his warmth. { .... Wilson... w what... happened... } I thought to myself, clinging to him. I began to cry.

- His view -
I could see y/n in the distance, I ran up to her smiling widely, I tried to hug her but she vanished into shadows before I could even say her name. Suddenly I could feel somethig gripping at me, the ground beneath me started to fall apart, I tried to run but something had a hold of me. I began panicking until I heard crying, I looked down in the dark abyss and saw a small light. I let myself fall into the ground, suddenly I opened my eyes breathing heavily. I looked at what was lying next to me, y/n! I forgot- she was next to me crying, I quickly wrapped my arms around her. "Y y/n... w what's wrong- I I'm here..."

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