Birthday and the rejection

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'KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!' I woke up to Maddie banging my door "SLUT WAKE UP YOU HAVE TO GET THE THINGS READY FOR JAKE'S BIRTHDAY" She yelled and I shot up from my bed. I rushed downstairs to make a cake for our soon to be alpha. "HURRY YOUR ASS UP BITCH YOU'RE HALF AN HOUR LATE!!!" She yelled at me and I nodded frantically while making the cake for his birthday.

"BITCH I TOTALLY REMEMBER THAT I ASKED YOU TO MAKE A CHOCOLATE CAKE FOR HIS BIRTHDAY AND YOU HAD TO RUIN IT BY MAKING A VANILLA CAKE!!" Maddie yelled at me "But it's alpha's favorite" I said quietly. She slapped me and pushed me to the ground and kicked me in the ribs "DON'T YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND THAT I AM THE LUNA OF THE PACK AND YOU CAN'T DISOBEY OR ANSWER ME BACK" she yelled and hit me one more time. "Well Maddie she is right I love vanilla cake more than the chocolate one" alpha Jake said and I looked up at him when my Wolf yelled "MATE" and I frowned "Maddie leave the room I have to talk to Emily" He said and she left while I bowed down my head cursing out my destiny for giving me such a mate. "LOOK UP!" He ordered me and I looked up "I JAKE SLADE THE ALPHA OF THE BLUE MOON PACK REJECTS EMILY WILLIAMS AS A LUNA OF THE PACK" He rejected me and I laughed "I EMILY WILLIAMS ALSO KNOWN AS THE ASSASSIN REJECTS SOON TO BE ALPHA JAKE SLADE AND CUTS ALL MY CONNECTION WITH THE BLUE MOON PACK." I said and ran to my room in speed and packed my bags and wrote on the wall with the red spray paint and sprayed 'I WILL BE BACK FOR REVENGE BITCHES'  and left the house with the backpack and ran as fast as I could.


"Emily, why are you here?" Neymar asked me "Well I left my pack because my mate rejected me so I accepted it and came here to take my money and my belongings" I said. Neymar was so angry that his eyes turned red and he was going to kill Jake when Martha his mate came and calmed him down for which I gave her a thankful smile. She nodded and sat near Neymar and Hades "Why don't you join our pack Emily, I will be happy to have such an amazing fighter and THE ASSASSIN in my pack as a warrior" Neymar said "I totally appreciate your offer Neymar but I want to go far away from here and start a new life and I want to find my parents. I am going to India." I said and he nodded "Are you sure that you want to go to India?" Hades asked and I nodded "I need my money Neymar" I said and he nodded because whatever mission I do I get a lot of money and I gave it to Neymar so my pack doesn't get their hands on them even all my valuables and the things which I bought from my own money, I leave it with Neymar so he takes care of it. Neymar came and gave me my credit card and I smiled at it.

 "What about your cars Emily" Hades asked "Yes Emily I have all your four cars" Neymar said "Once I get settle in India I will have them there till then keep them in the garage" I said and Hades got sad because he have been wanting my cars from a long time. I looked at Neymar that he was trying to hide his laugh. "Hades you can have my Lamborghini and Audi till I want them back in India" I said and Hades jumped and hugged me tightly . "Emily we  can't take these cars it's your hard earned money and you have worked very hard for this money" Martha said and I laughed at her while she was confused "Well spending money on your own family is no harm Martha. In fact, I am happy that I am able to do something for you guys. it's just a return what your pack and Neymar has been doing for me." I said and Martha hugged me and Neymar had  tears in his eyes that I was going "Hades can you please leave me to the airport?" I asked and he nodded.


I can't believe that she is THE ASSASSIN. I am a fool to reject her "YES YOU ARE AN IDIOT TO REJECT OUR MATE AND UNDER ESTIMATED HER POWERS. NOW SHE WOULD NEVER COME TO US AGAIN. GO AND APOLOGIES TO HER YOU NIMROD" Talon yelled at me. I sighed and went to her room and wished that she would come back to me as it would benefit me and my pack. My wolf was whimpering at the acceptance of our rejection and was angry at me for rejecting our mate. When I went to her room and was shocked at what I saw the room was even smaller than my walk in closet and there was a mattress full of newspapers which was at its worst condition and it hurts me more that she spent her life's 6 years in this shitty place. Even an omega doesn't deserves such a place to live in."Emily! Emily! Are you in there?" I asked carefully when I turned around I saw that the wall was spray painted and I got the message that she left. I fell down on my knees and cried.

Emily's POV

Hades took me to the airport and I brought a ticket to myself to India and it was in 2 hours till me and Hades sat down and talked.

Ha- "Emily are you sure that you want to leave your pack and america?"

Me- "I want to find my parents Hades because I remember Julia saying that they didn't die. They had to give me away because my life was in danger. So maybe they are alive."

Ha- "I too want to come with you Emily but I know you won't allow me to come."

Me- "Hades I would have allowed you but India is not a place for you people. India is a place where dark magic takes place and an alpha is like a king there. India is a dangerous place for people like you Hades." 

Ha- "I don't think that it's a dangerous place. In fact it's a home to fighters."

Me- "I know it's a home of fighters but those fighters live to kill rouges and people. And from the sources it says that I'm from a royal family of India and mainly from the most dangerous place from India" i said and Hades frowned 

HA- "Rajasthan!?" He asked and I nodded "I wouldn't be surprised Emily if you belonged from that family because you're stronger than any other wolf out there. And Indian royal werewolves are considered to be the most powerful werewolves in the world."

Me- "If that's true than I am afraid if I'll be able to meet you guys again or not and my age just adds to it. But it's worth a try Hades I don't even know my real name. My half of the life is a lie Hades and I just want to know the truth who I am and where do I belong?" 

Ha- "I understand Emily. Now it's time for you to go. Please call me often and I have surprise for you when you reach India." He said and hugged me after that he left.

I hugged him back and went for check in and boarded the plane.  When I got to my seat I saw a boy of my age sitting beside me and he was a human. I smiled at him and nodded. "Hi, My name is Yash" the boy said and I shook my hands with him. "My name is Emily." I said and smiled at him "You seem Indian by face then why such a name?" He asked "I am adopted and I don't know my real name. I am going to India in search of my parents" I said and he smiled sadly at me then I fell asleep.


 Sorry guys if there is any mistake in the content above. I am just new to such things and I've been trying my best to write it down without making any mistakes. And being an Indian, English is not my mother tongue so if there is any problem please message me right away and I would try to correct it as soon as possible. I would have written the story in Hindi but at last I changed my mind when my wattpad friend suggested me to write it down in English.

So as I promised, I will be writing a type of character sketch or a detailed information about the characters in the next chapter and I also will be writing down the werewolf chain down for you in the same chapter for those who are new to werewolf books. I also will be giving a brief information about the werewolf chain and who is who and what role they play in supernatural world because i too faced such problem when i started reading werewolf books. Please vote and comment to my story. And if the chapter is too short then please tell me so I would try to write a big chapter for you guys.  

Assassin's rejectionWhere stories live. Discover now