chapter 12

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| Your POV |
I answer the phone and held it to my ear.
"Hey dad.." I answered trying to sound at least a little happy.
"Hey Y/N... I heard you and your mother fought about your career..." said my father sounding a bit sad. I started to get worried.
"Yeah... she just doesn't understand what I want to do..." I said looking down to the floor.
"Sweetie... I know your mother doesn't approve with what you're doing... I didn't for a while either but I realise that you're doing something that could change quite a lot of people's lives..." said my father.
"At least you understand what I want to do..." I said with a smile, even though he couldn't see it. The thing that I want to do most is to make people happy when they had a bad day. (This reason and so many other reasons why I started a YouTube channel, YouTube: Its Megan Ava)
"I just want you to know that I support you, I'm proud of you and I love you..." said my dad. I felt tears in my eyes.
"Thank you dad... I love you too..." I said smiling more.
"I want you to chase your dream my little girl... don't let others bring you down, you be happy with you princess..." he said. I loved my dad so much, when something would happen with me whenever it was back when I was in school or what happened with work he would always tell me to follow my dreams and not let anyone stop me. This sticks with me till this day.
"I am close to accomplishing my dream dad..." I said smiling.
"That's good... by the way, I know you're dating someone and I approve." He said with laughter. I laughed back. We both said goodbye and of course told that we loved each other and I put my phone back into my pocket.

I walked outside and saw that everyone waited for me.
"Why did you wait for me?" I asked smiling.
"Because we wanted to..." Matthias said chuckling. I chuckled back and walked over to Joey.
"What happened in there?" Joey asked me as he wrapped his arm around me.
"I just got a phone call from my dad... by the way he said he approves me dating you..." I said giggling at the end.
"Really? He likes me?" Joey asked looking confused. I nodded and smiled at him. He  smiled back at me and kissed my cheek. All of us were outside for a good 5 minutes before we decided to leave. We hugged and said goodbye.
"Want to come to my place tonight since you haven't been there?" I asked Joey. He nodded and walked with me to my car.

~ time skiiipppp ~

I was now cuddling on the couch with Joey watching (insert favourite show), nothing couldn't be more relaxing. I'm excited for my birthday because the guys are full of surprises, who knows what will happen on Saturday. I just told everyone that I should just hold the party in the warehouse, the guys said that they were okay with it.
Soon I fell asleep in Joey's arms, I felt someone who was more than likely Joey pick me up and carried me to my bedroom so I could sleep.
"Goodnight beautiful..." I heard Joey say before I fell completely asleep...

~ morning time! ~

I fluttered my eyes open and felt two arms wrapped around my waist. I rolled over slightly and carefully just in case Joey was still asleep, he was awake.
"Good morning..." he said in his sleepy voice.
"Good morning..." I said back to him, he kissed my forehead which made me giggle.
Something started to vibrate on the table so I checked my phone and saw that Matthias was calling me. I groaned but also giggled and picked up my phone from the bedside table and answered it.
"I just woke up..." I whined to Matthias, all he did was laugh at me.
"Just wanted to see when you're coming in today since it's almost 8:30..." Matthias said laughing. I checked the time and it said 8:27am.
"Uh soon.......?" I said laughing.
"See you soon then... if you ever get out of bed...." said Matthias laughing harder.
"I'll get up now!" I said laughing. We both said our goodbyes and hung up.
"We have to get up Joey!!!" I yelled. He groaned which made me giggle.
"Do we have to? I'm comfy with you in my arms!" He said slamming his head into the pillow. I giggled.
"You can always have me back in your arms in a minute." I said giggling. He laughed.
"Fine I'll get up..." he said letting go of my waist and rolling out of bed.

Battle Universe time!

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