chapter 29

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| Y/N's POV |
"Y/N, Joey, Bryan and Matthias, you all may be in danger..."

Those words replayed in my head.
"D-Danger?" I stutter. She nods.
"The only way I could get this information to you was to say that I was a crazy fan. I'm sorry if this creeped you out." she replies.
Joey's grip around my shoulders tightened, I held onto his hand that lied on my shoulder.
"What was this 'attack'" Matthias asked, the confusion clear in his voice.
"I wasn't the one to attack, although staff say I attacked others. You see Y/N," she continues, specifically looking at me. "I am your protector." She finished simply.
I tilted my head in confusion.
"What do you mean by 'protector'?" I ask.

She sighs.
"Before your father had passed away, he hired me to protect you at all costs. He knew about your mother and your brother, how both of them are some what mentally ill. Here's where the information may shock you," she says.

I look at Joey, the fear in my eyes clearly evident as he starts to rub my shoulder.

"Your mother hated how you became a YouTuber. Before she had tried to kill you, she had hired assassinators hoping you would change your mind about becoming a lawyer under the circumstance of being in a life or death situation. As for the attack, those assassinators tried to find you and attempt to some what harm you, I took matters into my own hands and tried to hold them off before they could find you." She finishes.

I slowly look down to the floor. A lot of information to take in, the fact that my mother hated my career choice so much she wanted to even try to murder me to change my mind is just... upsetting.
"How do we know that we can trust you?" Joey chimes in.
"If you want proof, on my phone there is a recording of the phone call between Y/N's father and I." Michelle replies.
Bryan, being the brave one, walks to her side, seeing the phone in her pocket and reaches for it. He slid the phone towards her hands, letting her unlock the phone, pulling up the recording of the phone call.

She slid the phone towards Joey and I, the voice memo pulled up. I click play.


As soon as I hear my fathers voice for the first time in a while, I start to tear up.

"My daughter is in great danger. I need Your help. My wife is claiming that she will try to force Y/N to change her mind about her career choice. I want you to protect my daughter no matter what the circumstance is."

"Yes sir, I'll do the best I can."

"Please do the best you can, I love her with all my heart."

"Will do sir, have a great day."

And with that the phone call ended. I touch my cheek only to feel my fingertips wet. I had been crying that entire phone call. I quickly wipe away my tears, embarrassed.
Joey pushes the phone back towards Michelle, wrapping his strong arms around me. Matthias and Bryan come by my side for emotional support. I quietly thank them.
"What will it take to get you out of here?" Joey asks.
"Convince the staff to set me free. I will be able to protect your girlfriend if I get out of here. I don't know how many assassinators are still left on this ship." She replies. Joey nods in response, letting me go looking into my eyes.
"We are going to get out of this okay?" Joey says, reassuring me. I nod, hugging him tighter that I have before.

~ just a little time skip setting Michelle Parker free ~

Bryan and Matthias as our amazing lawyers convinced the captain and staff to set her free. As we take the elevator back to my deck, I start to think about how this vacation may go bad. Even though Michelle is here to protect me, the fact that people still want to assassinate to me is terrifying, plus my M O T H E R sent them.
"Just so you know, I'm just next door to Joey and Y/N's cabin. Call me if you need me." She says. The elevator doors open and we all go to our separate rooms.
As Joey unlocks our door, I immediately collapse on the bed, not knowing how to feel. All I feel is tiredness. I check the time on my phone.


"We were up there for so long!" I yell.
I hear Joey giggle a little. "Oh well. Everything is sorted and we are back in bed now." He says, laying down next to me.
"I guess that's true. It's just a lot to take in." I say, rubbing circles on my temples.
"Just relax for now baby. Tomorrow is a new day." Joey replies, wrapping an arm around my torso. I smile and roll onto my side.
"I don't know what I would do without you." I say digging my face into his chest.

"I love you Y/N L/N, I'm sorry that proposal didn't go so well..." he said sort of laughing.
I laugh a little. "It's okay, it'll work out another time." I say.

"Another time, Y/N, I promise." He says kissing my forehead.

We both fell asleep shortly after our little talk.

I hope you enjoy that chapter!
Please comment if you want the Instagram account to happen because I'm not sure.
ALSO! I posted in the conversation section with a big announcement. Please read it x ❤️
Love Megan

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