chapter 19

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Quick A/N: just really quick, I'm trying to figure out what date I'm releasing the new fan fiction and should I take down my Colby Brock fan fiction? Not many people are reading it so I'm just asking... let me know, on with the chapter.

| Your POV |
I woke up to a blinding light... I hid my head under the blanket not wanting to get up. I heard a chuckle, hoping it was Joey and not some random person.
The blankets were pulled off me and I groaned.
"Come on princess get up!" that familiar voice said, Joey. I groaned again while blindly trying to reach for the blanket.
"Do I have to?" I asked sleepily. I heard Joey giggled from behind me.
"Yes because I got a day planned for us!" Joey said excitedly. I rolled over slowly onto my side and see Joey all dressed. I smiled widely at him and yawn.
"Fine I'll get up... in 5 minutes..." I say giggling. Joey laughed.
"Fine... if you fall asleep again I will carry you outside and spray you with a hose!" Joey said as a joke.
"Okay I'm not risking it, I'm getting up..." I say rolling out of bed laughing. Joey laughed and walked out of the room. Once I finally gain my balance to walk, I walked out of the room and I see on the couch a red dress, a black jacket with red heels... either these are Amanda's clothes or Joey has a good sense of style. I take the clothes and went to have a quick shower.

After singing in the shower and kind of dancing along to the music playing I was finally done. I got dressed and did some make up, just putting on light foundation and mascara (basically what I do lol) will do the trick. I did my hair in a messy high pony tail (or just left it down if you have short hair) and went out. I put on my heels quickly because I really want to know what Joey has planned. I walk out to see a plate of food next to Joey who was eating along with Matt and Amanda.
"Good morning Mattanda." I say with a giggle.                                                                            "Good morning Y/N!" they both said cheerfully, I smiled at them and gave Joey a kiss on the cheek and sat down next to him. I started to eat... well... more like scoff it down because i was excited.                                                                                                                         "Calm down baby girl!" Joey said laughing.                                                                                   "Sorry but I'm excited!" I say continuously shoved the food in my mouth. Everyone was laughing and I choked on my food a bit. My plate was now empty, I was just waiting on Joey. He purposely took his time eating. 
"I wanna goooooo!" I say slightly shaking him so I don't choke him.                                       "Alright, alright I'm finished." Joey said laughing eating another mouth full.                       "Yayyyyy!" I say jumping a little. I ran off to pack my handbag because I don't want to be carrying so much things today. I put my vlog camera in, just in case there is something we are doing that i can vlog... speaking of vlogging I should do an intro for it.

"W-W-What's going on guysss?! It's yo girl back again with another vlog, why did I do that? I never do that... anyway you're probably wondering why I'm looking so fancy, well Joey is taking me on some mystery date sort of thing... I'm hoping that it doesn't involve me getting killed somehow..." I say to the camera.
"I won't kill you! I love you too much!" I hear Joey yell from the other room.
"That's good to hear!" I yell back to him while I giggled and blushed.                                   "Are you ready?!" Joey yelled from the other room.
"I've been ready for the past 20 minutes!" I yelled back to him while laughing. I heard Joey laughing as well.
"Well I'm off now guys so I'll see if I can vlog anything, see you later!" I say to the camera. I press the pause button and went into the main room to find Joey dressed hella nice. Hella nice? Anyway he looked really good!
"So where are you taking me handsome?" I say with a giggle. Joey doesn't say anything in response, he just hands me a blindfold.
"Oh god not again." I say laughing while putting on the blind fold.
"Don't worry, this isn't for another mystery party." Joey said helping me put the blindfold on.
"Alright I trust you..." I say finally tying off the blindfold.

"Try and grab my hand." Joey said with laughter. I laugh too blindly reaching for his hand. I found it and as soon as I grabbed hold of his hand he pulls me straight out of my spot and straight out the door.
"We don't want to be late!" Joey says as he helped me inside the car. Late... late for what?
"Alrighty..." I say a little confused. Joey had my vlog camera so he must be vlogging a bit for me which explains why he wasn't in the car yet. Soon I heard the drivers door open and the engine start and we were now on the road. I have no idea how far away this place was but it was pretty far because I fell asleep...

~ Time skippity skip ~

I was woken up  by Joey lightly shaking me.
"We're here." Joey says as he grabs hold of my hand. I held on to it as he pulled me out of the car. We walked for bit, Joey leading me the way. He stopped and soon I felt those strong arms wrap around my waist.

"You can take your blind fold off now..." He whispers in my ear still holding my waist. I did what he said and started to take the blind fold off. The blind fold was off and I was greeted by he most beautiful thing in the world...


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