Chapter 7

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After I had finished my research, I returned back downstairs to the living room. My sister had left the living room. I assumed she had gone upstairs to play on her computer. I walked into the kitchen.

"Hi Dillon!" Exclaimed my mom, she was slaving away at the stove.

I looked at the clock, it was an hour later than I had thought. Either my computer was slow or I had lost track of time.

"Uh, hi Mom," I said. I looked to the kitchen table. My older sister Risa, was sitting in my chair. I went to the pantry and dug through it.

Mom objected. She stomped over to the pantry and slammed it shut.

"No," She said, "Dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes."

I looked at the clock.

"Why are we eating so early?" I asked. It was five o'clock. My family normally ate around six thirty.

"We're going to a movie, as a family, Dillon," Risa said, butting into our conversation. I rolled my eyes. Risa raised a supecious brow. "Why, do you have plans or something?" She asked.

I couldn't tell her my plans, at least not with mom there. I scratched at my chin, debating about what I could say. Risa stared at me with a snooty look on her face.

"Actually," I began, "I do have plans."

Risa saw right through me.

With an evil grin, she asked, "Oh really? What plans?"

I growled at my sister. "I'm going to Michael's," I said.

My mother's lips curled into a disappointed frown. She didn't say a word, and kept cooking suupper.

Risa stood up and grabbed me by the wrist. The large powerful woman drug me out of the kitchen and into the living room. She shoved me down onto the couch. At first, I thought she would lecture me on how I treat Mom. Then she sat down beside me.

She looked me in the eye, and asked, "What are you really doing?"

I looked to the kitchen. Mom was still in earshot. I stood up from the couch. "Let's talk in the basement," I whispered through gritted teeth.

I led her down the stairs and into the den.

Maisie looked up at us from the couch.

"Hi Risa!" She said with a friendly wave, she paused her game and stared at us.

"Hi Maisie," Risa said. Risa looked at me, her eyes asking whether or not we should talk infront of our little sister. I shook my head. We went into the unfinished storage area.

While Maisie wasn't completely out of earshot, it wasn't as big of a deal if she heard it. Sixth graders can be easily bribed.

Risa sat down on a storage bin. She patted the bin next to her. I didn't sit down. Risa crossed her arms and stared at me. When I didn't speak up she said to me, "So what are you'r 'plans'?" She asked.

I paced the cold concrete floor, trying to decide if I should tell her or not.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked. Risa nodded. I sat down beside her, "I accidentally killed someone." Blood rushed to my face. My sister's jaw dropped open.

"If that's all that happened, why can't you go to the movies with us? Was it at the theater or something?" She asked.

"People think I did it on purpose," I began, Risa listened attentively, "Someone asked me to kill someone else by Monday, or they'll tell the cops what I did." I stated. My words were a mess.

"So, you're going to kill someone?" She asked, "Tonight? Is that your plans?" Risa wasn't as surprised as I thought she would'be been.

"No," I began, "I need to get my supplies."

"Ohh," She stated, she didn't know what else to say, "So I'm assuming you already know, where, when, how and who you're killing?"

"Somewhat," I stated, " Ms. Pigvin, at her house, either tomorrow night or Sunday morning, and with a knife."

"What supplies do you need to get?" She asked. She stood up and paced back and forth.

"A knife, grocery bags," I stated.

Risa let out a horse-like laugh. She slapped her knee and wiped tears from her eyes. "Dillon," She began, "We have all those items here."

"We do?" I asked, "The only knives we have are kitchen knives."

She sat back down beside me.

"A kitchen knife will work as good as any," She said.

"RISA, MAISIE, DILLON!" Called our mom. We heard the stairs creek beneath her heavy weight, as she stomped down the steps.

Risa and I stood up.

"I'll help you," She said. She then left the unfinished area. The three of us followed our mother up the stairs.

A/N: Thanks for reading! Who's y'all's favorite character so far?

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