Chapter 11

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A/N: Since ALTaASoB reached 150 reads today(and because I had extra time), I decided to treat y'all to another Chapter! Tomorrow's chapter will be posted tomorrow still.

We drove down to Lorimar Creek around 7:30 AM, there were a few cars out on the road now. But, since majority of Lorimar citizens don't work on the weekends, there was still very few cars out. We passed two or three on Elijah Lane, and next to none on main street. Therefore, we'd have a good chance of not getting caught.

On saturdays the park was often deserted. Therefore we wouldn't even have to try and get to the creek through a yard! It was perfect.

Risa parked the car in Confetti Park's parking lot. Since it was common for people to be jogging in the mornings, it wouldn't seem as suspicious as someone parking at the dock parking lot. We got out of the car and went to the trunk.

"Should we put on gloves again?" I asked her, as we popped the trunk.

"Nah," She said. She stood back and waited for me to take out the trash bag.

"Won't this look suspicious?" I asked as I heaved the bag out of the trunk. Risa shrugged her shoulders and closed the trunk. We then started walking down to the creek. We saw a mother and her daughter on the playground, and politely waved. Somehow, they didn't find us the least bit weird. I'm not complaining, it was just different.

We got down to the muddy beach. Calling it a beach would be an over statement, in reality it was a slim strip of mud on the creeks edge. Our feet squished and slid on the slippery mud, till we finally hit the water.

Risa did not go into the water. She could be a real headache sometimes. I walked into the creek with the bag in hand. The creek was practically a small river. The water in the center was a good six to ten feet deep. No one really knew how it got there, it's just always there. Part of it might've been the heavy rains we get all the time, but in the end, does it even matter?

I pulled the body to the center of the lake. The water was up to my neck.

"Don't get wet!" Risa called. I rolled my eyes.

"If you were going to say that you should've said it, BEFORE I was up to my neck in muddy creek water!" I called back to her. I let go of the body then left the creek.

"You're wet!" Risa exclaimed.

I was drenched in the filthy creek water.

"Let's get going," I told her, as I brushed my hands together. I started heading towards the car, but Risa grabbed a hold of my shoulder.

"You are not going home wet," She stated. Her fingers curled, digging her manicured nails into the flesh of my shoulder.

"What do you expect me to do!" I exclaimed.

"We can stay here till you dry off," Risa said.

"Or we could go home and I could dry off there," I stated.

In the end, Risa won.

A/N: Thanks for reading! I really appreciate it!

A Loud Thud and a Splash of Blood [Wattys 2017]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя