Chapter 21

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I stared at Jennifer, watching her die. She looked at me the entire time. It was weird, watching someone dying in front of me, their soul escaping the prison of their body. Yeah, I had killed Pigvin, but at least she hadn't been awake for it. I watched as she took her final breaths, then looked out the backdoor, I needed to return to my car to retrieve the axe, and the bags, and hopefully my partner in crime.

I slipped through the sliding door then crept down the stairs. I don't know why I was worrying about being quiet, I had just killed the one person who would hear me. I tiptoed though the yard and reached the front yard. I let out a sigh in relief, my car was still there.

The minute she saw me, Risa leapt out of the car.

"Did you do it?" She asked, she noticed the bloody knife I carried in my hand. Her eyes grew wide. "How'd you get in?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Jennifer," I began, thinking back to that moment, "She let me in."

"So did you kill her?" She asked, not beating around the bush at all.

"Yes," I stated, I went to the trunk and pulled on it. It was locked. I looked to her, she unlocked it. I pulled open the trunk and shoved the plastic bags towards my sister. She took them with disappointment. She was coming with me whether she wanted to or not.

I slammed the trunk shut and headed for the backyard. Risa let out a sigh and followed me without question. We started to climb up the creaky wooden stairs.

"JENNIFER!" We heard someone yell in a high pitched screech. Risa and I exchanged quick glances. We stopped running up the stairs and ran to the car.

I got to the car first.

"UNLOCK THE DOOR!" I shouted at my sister. She reached the car, wheezing for breath. She clutched her side with one hand, and unlocked the car with the other. We both climbed in. She threw the trash bags into the backseat, I stuffed the knife into the glove department.

Risa put on her seatbelt, and we were off.

A/N: Thanks for reading! 

A Loud Thud and a Splash of Blood [Wattys 2017]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora