Chapter 12

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A/N: Reposted this chapter as I forgot to spellcheck.

 I sat down on a rock and pulled my phone out of my pocket. Risa sat down beside me. I could tell she wanted to talk or something, but I wasn't in the mood.

I held down the power button on my uPhone and waited for it to turn on. My lock screen popped up with a picture of Scott. The fuzzy cat was laying on his back. It was pretty darn cute if you asked me.

Just as I unlocked my phone, Ding! I received a text message. It read:

"I was surprised you killed the lady so fast."

My eyes just about popped out of my head. It was then that I realized who the text was from, none other than: Risa. I turned and shot a glare at her. She giggled then put her phone back into her pocket. I rolled my eyes.

Ding! Another message. I gritted my teeth. Risa could sure be a brat sometimes. Yet the message was not from Risa. It was from the mysterious texter. It read:

"Have you killed the body yet?"

I gulped but quickly typed up a response.

"Just finished."

The mysterious texter responded within two seconds flat.

"Good, I need another favor."

I grimaced. What did they want now? I had fulfilled my part of the deal already. I responded with:

"That wasn't the deal."

There was a brief pause. Then they sent two texts in a row.

"Not anymore."

"I'm the one with the picture."

Never had they been so right. As long as they had that picture, I was theirs.

"What do you want."

They responded too quickly. I worried that Risa might be getting suspicious.

"I need you to kill someone."

I responded with:


There was not enough time to speak before the last text came in.

"Jennifer Polken."

I nearly dropped my phone. My best friend, Michael, has had a crush on Jennifer since the seventh grade. I responded with a simple sentence:

"I can't."

They responded too quickly.

"You will."

The conversation ran around like that on an endless loop. In the end I was the one who caved. I would have to kill again, and this time, betray Michael at the same time.

A Loud Thud and a Splash of Blood [Wattys 2017]Where stories live. Discover now