Chapter 9

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We snuck into Ms. Pigvin's backyard. Had we broken into the front door, we would've raised too much suspicion.

Ms. Pigvin's house backed up to a large forest. She lived on the edge of town. A large deck looming over a walkout basement intimidated us. Risa headed for the staircase. I tapped her on the shoulder.

"Risa," I stated, my voice was barely audible, "We should go through the basement, we don't know how loud the deck stairs are, plus the deck shelters us."

Risa crossed her arms, but went over to the walkout basement.

"Okay, but if this doors lo-," She began, she stopped when she turned the doorknob. The basement door was unlocked. She looked at me and raised her eyebrows. "Ready?" She whispered. I nodded my head. She held her gun out before her and eased open the door. I stood behind her with my knife in hand. Together we stepped into the mysterious realm of Ms. Pigvin's house.

It's weird walking into a substitute teacher's house. Something you never think of till you step into a foreign house owned by someone you barely know. Her house was just an ordinary house. Concrete floors, and grey walls spread out before me. It was a large basement.

Risa went ahead to the staircase. I was all for staking out the basement for awhile, but apparently that was not the plan. She motioned me towards her.

"You want to go first, right?" She asked. She pushed me in front of her.

I gazed up at the large concrete staircase which led to the unknown. One wrong move would send us to the police station, I had to go up the stairs as quietly as possible. Or else.

I started up the stairs. Thankfully, they were not terribly creaky. I looked down at my sister from the top of the stairs. She started up. Before I knew it, she stood beside me.

The basement stairs had led us to a large sitting area. Books lined the tall walls. I assumed it was the living room.

"Where do you think her bedroom is?" I whispered to Risa. She put her fingers to her lips, telling me to be quiet. She then pointed in the direction of a hallway.

We walked through the dining room first. Paneling and photographs covered the walls. The dining room led us to the tacky kitchen, which likely hadn't been updated since the fifties. My sister's high heels clicked on the black an white tiled floor. Then, we were in the hallway. The hallway spanned out far to my right. On the left side was a single room. The door was opened, so I stepped in.

I stepped into what appeared to be an office. The wall swooped downwards. Risa nearly hit her head. In the center of the room, was an old typewriter across from the only window.

We left that room and onto the next. The next room was a bedroom. A small kid's bed sat in one corner, the rest of the room was empty.

The next room was a bathroom. Across from it was a door.

"Could this be the masters?" I asked. Risa looked at me, angered that I had spoken. I rolled my eyes, then eased open the door. In case if you were wondering, it was not the master bedroom, but a damn coat closet.

The last bedroom had to be the masters. I took a deep breath, than creaked open the door. On the far side of the room, laid a sleeping Ms. Pigvin, swallowed by a large bed. She looked lonely in her bed, I wondered if maybe that was why she was such a mean sub. I didn't have time to ponder much more, I had business to attend to. I crept to the side of her bed. The young woman laid out before me, her blonde hair was spread across the pillow. Risa nudged me, as if to say, "go ahead Dill, kill her already."

I held out the knife before me. Studying Pigvin's sleeping form. I brought it down hard! Digging the silver dagger into her jugular. It felt good, real good. She let out a gasp of breath, then her breathing stopped.

I had killed Ms. Pigvin, but that was not the end, it was simply the beginning.

A/N:Thanks for reading!

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