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Ashayla Pov

It's been two years since they took me back and each day has been a living hell. They locked me down in their basement and won't let me out when they do it's only to get one meal a day. If I beg or ask for anymore to eat they beat me. They took my phone the first day they gained custody of me so I haven't spoken to Ryan, Dad, Pete, or any of the other guys. Within the last two years lot's has probably happened, Dad and Ryan probably gotten married, Pete has hopefully moved on from me. They are probably living the happiest lives they could possibly have without me.

I lay on the cold floor because it's no better than the bed. As I lay there deep in my thoughts I hear faint footsteps coming towards the door; however, it's not meal time so why are they coming down to get me? I slowly sit up and head over to the bed which is farthest from the door. The footsteps stop and the door unlocks. Who is coming in here? The person slowly opens the door almost to screw my mind up even more than it already is. I mean seriously I talk to walls now!

"Ashayla!" Sophia yells.

"Yes Ma'm?" I say

"Come on. You are coming up stairs with me. Bring all of your stuff." She says

"Why am I going upstairs?" I ask

"Don't ask any questions just do it." She spits out.

I do as I am told and grab my paper thin blanket then follow her up to the main part of the house. I've only seen this part of the house once and that was when I first arrived. Why are they bringing me up here though? Sophia leads me to a big room with a nice bed and nice clothes filling the closet.

"You are staying here from now on. We are going shopping in a little so get ready, and look nice." She angrily says

I give a short nod and start to get ready. I take a quick shower and pick out a nice outfit. After examining the bathroom I find makeup that is oddly my skin tone. Even the clothes are my size. Once I am finished getting ready I slowly make my way down to the living area. James and Sophia kindly guide me to their vehicle and I take a deep breath in. For the first time in two years I am outside and it feels good. I don't ever want to go back inside, but what caused this sudden change in their attitude?

"We are going to the mall. You will not leave our sight. If you have to use the restroom Sophia will go with you. If by chance there are any fans that recognize you then take pictures sign their stuff but you are not to talk about any of the experiences form this household, understood?" James asks

"Yes sir." I say sadly

"We want to put you more in the public eye so we will give you your phone back only to post on social media. You will take one and only one selfie upon arrival of the mall. Then you will give the phone back in which we will type an explanation to why you have been absent to the public eye. Before posting anything you are to show us the post then we will approve. Anything you do on your phone is connected to ours so nothing on it is private. If you even attempt to contact any of your old family there will be major consequences. Do you understand?" James says


"Also there is a check up court date in two days. You will dress professionally when we go." Sophia says

"Does that mean I can see my family?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes but you will still be in our custody." Sophia states.

That's what you think.

When we arrive at the mall James hands me my phone so I can take a selfie then I hand him it back. I secretly look over his shoulder to see what he is typing.

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